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Link had finished explaining all the events that took place. The fancy-looking sword he got, the spirit that remained in the weapon, how he can track Zelda with it. You were still very confused, but you didn't want to bother Link to discuss it all further. He had a very important mission, and you wanted to do all you could to help him.

"I'm in... Faron Woods then?"

Link nods at your question, an unsure smile spreading on his face. You let outa sigh, laying your back on the dry dirt. Link's worried gaze continues to hone in on you. His blue eyes were burning holes into you, almost asking you for reassuring him. "Link, don't worry. I'll get through this, and so will you. We're both strong and we both want Zelda safe and sound."

You reach your hand out as he nods. He grasps it firmly, pulling you up on your feet, and giving it another squeeze before he releases it. You smile at him, ruffling his soft locks.

"So... What do we do now?"

"Fi says that Zelda is in the temple, we just have to find a way in." Link gestures toward a cobblestone structure, covered in vines and moss, the gold slab in the center looking like the entrance. You both walk up the steps and push as hard as you could on the slab. "Well, I was hoping it would be that simple..."

After another minute of pushing, you both decide it would be better to spend your time looking for another way to get in. "Well, what kind of tools do you have on you? We haven't discussed that yet."

Link took out all his gear, which only consisted of the cloth given to him by Zelda, his sword, a potion, and a slingshot with some seeds, which he tells you are deku seeds. You take the slingshot, chuckling a little. "A slingshot huh? A little bit childish, but I guess it could get the job done until we can find a bow and arrow at least."

Your eyes try to seek any sort of clue as you hand the slingshot back to Link. Desperate, you look up at the ceiling, only to find the most obvious red crystal. Link, who followed your gaze, takes a shot at the crystal. And of course, the door opens.

"I was uh... expecting something more difficult than this for such a fancy-looking temple..." You mumble to yourself as you and Link step into the clearly abandoned structure.

Large spider webs litter the place, dust almost suffocating your lungs as you go in deeper. Weeds and harmless fungi also had enough time to grow. Link tries to wack one, but it was too solid. "Jeesh... You'd think the gods would care enough for this place to maintain it..." You mutter as Link's blade bounces off the shroom.

"_____, maybe we shouldn't insult any higher beings..."

"Superstitious now, are we?" You receive a glare from Link, a small giggle leaving your lips. "I'm just teasing! Let's get through this quickly, all the dust in my lungs might kill me before any type of monster does."

You and Link walk down the stairs after activating yet another red crystal, fighting off any of the huge spiders, much to your dismay.

"Eugh... They're so gross!" You cringe as you watch Link slay yet another spider, the guts disintegrating into thin air.

"I don't mind killing them for you, they're kinda simple come to think of it."

"Yes, please.." You shudder as you examine the room further, looking for any clues. The only thing you could see was an eerie eyeball. Link follows your puzzled gaze, immediately taking out his slingshot to shoot it. It closes its eyelids a moment before the seed hits it.

"Maybe I need to aim a specific way."

"Er... I don't think that is right." Link ignores you as he tries any and every angle he could. Well, it's not like you provided any type of suggestions either so you can't blame him.

the great wonder - link x male! readerWhere stories live. Discover now