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You needed to find lila, But you decided to Call John and jack so they will be the one's to find Lila. DIALING.....
john answered the phone, "Hello John? I went to Lila's House, i found her door Opened and she is Gone. Do you think she got caught by the red guy? You guys Find Lila. I'm still finding her child... can you? " john paused a bit, "...sure"

"Alrighty! Thank you. i will be investigating now" CALL ENDED. you sighed. You are so sleepy and tired but.. you need to do your job! You were walking around. The night is dark and cold, the Moon is so Magestic and bright. You continued walking Until you got into the Candy store, Who knows the kids Might be In the Candy store? You got in the Candy store and saw Kevin. You went to him and asked "Hey Kevin, Did you see uhh Kids who's wearing a Pumpkin and a Skeleton Costume? Their name is Skid and Pump..

Kevin Face Palmed "..You mean THEM?" Kevin pointed at the Two kids you were talking about, Eating candy beside a Candy Jar. You looked at kevin to thank him. "yes! Thank you Kevin." After that, you looked at where the kids are. They're.. literally GONE
"I FORGOT.. THEY DIDNT PAY!!" Kevin shouted. "THESE DARN KIDS." kevin Sighed deeply, "It's alright Kevin, i can pay for it!"

"REALLY??" Kevin said. "Yes! How much?"
you asked how much was the candy the children consumed. "Uhh, its like over 300 dollars..i dont wanna waste your money so that'll be 100 dollars." 300 DOLLARS!?!?!?
"Phew.. thank god.. here you go."
You handed your 100 dollars to Kevin, "I'll be going to .. find these children again, farewell!" You said Goodbye to Kevin and hi waved goodbye back. You came out of the Candy store.. and you saw the CHILDREN (skid & pump)

Talking to like a staff in the haunted mansion, his costume is a Vampire.
You felt something uneasy.. it felt like.. they're in danger. you shouted at them "SKID! PUMP! LET ME TALK TO YOU GUYS FOR A SECOND!-" Sounds like They didn't hear you at all. They came in the Haunted Mansion Excited!! You also came in the Haunted Mansion, while you are finding the Kids. A spooky zombie comes out! You aren't scared because you know its just a costume. Many spooky Characters came to scare you BUT they failed. You were focused on your Task on finding the children, who knows the Devil Man might be following Them Right now. Meanwhile.......

You came out of the Haunted mansion not finding them at all, they might have left the Mansion. Seconds after coming out.. you saw.. a person Lying on the floor BLOODY with only one arm and one piece of bone lying beside him.

In first, you thought its just the Props but

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In first, you thought its just the Props but.. you remembered that's the person the kids were talking to before they go in The Haunted Mansion. No way that's just a prop! It might be a real body!!. You pressed your fingers on the man's pulse, its still beating!. although, the person looks unconsious. You called an Ambulance to take the unconsious bloody One armed poor guy. after the vampire costume guy got taken by the ambulance, you wondered... is this the devil guy's all doing? You decided not to call the two cops (john & jack) they might be busy finding Lila. You still haven't found the two kids...

Anyway.. BOB

Bloody Roses  - BOB VELSEB -Where stories live. Discover now