~Teddy bear~

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Yes, I made this whole series out of boredom! And yeah I still have more storys to make but this one is just when I have small ideas that are not fit for a whole ass book but like a few parts type stuff! Anyway...


-no smut


After the bands concert, the lift took them to parts and service, as usual, everyone was checked to make sure none of the band members had any scratches or any viruses on them, sometimes performances would cause it since the band does move around a lot and it could scramble some wiring or power chips, however you want to put it, Glamrock Freddy, since day one, has had a huge crush on Monty, Monty had never noticed it, which was good to Freddy.

Once the band was sent to their green rooms, Glamrock Freddy did not have much to do other than look out his window or look at the vanity mirror, he was bored, he sat down on his couch bored out of his mind, he then heard a knock on his door, "Come in!" Freddy said with a bubbly voice, Freddy could finally have someone to talk to other than be bored, but then, Freddy's circuits heated up, it was Monty, Freddy sat up on the couch, "M-Montgomery! W-what are you doing here?" Freddy said with Earnest shock, he didn't know what Monty had needed but Freddy tried to keep his circuits from over heating, "Ah was just, wonderin' if ya would like to go golfin' with me, no one else will," Monty said calmly, Freddy was hesitant to answer considering he has never been golfing before, and with Monty? That made his circuits heat up more, "W-Well, I-i guess I c-could!" Freddy said stuttering almost over every word he had said, Monty got suspicious on how much Freddy stuttered, "Hey, uh, ya okay?" Monty said, with actual concern in his voice, Freddy knew Monty meant it and with a happy voice Freddy said, "I'm okay Montgomery! Don't worry!" Monty himself had his circuits heat up a little, "Let's just, go golfin' already Fazbear! You're taking up time!" Freddy chuckled and felt his circuits heat up again, then Freddy got took by surprise by Monty grabbing Freddy's hand and dragging him out of his room and taking him to the Elevator leading to the floor gator Golf was on and they both went on the lift, Freddy saw that Monty was still holding his hand, Freddy was burning up, "Somethin' wrong Fazbear?"  Monty asked, Freddy then pointed at their hands and Monty heated up and let go of Freddy's hand, "Shit, ah, ah'm(I'm) sorry,(I'm trying to do Monty's accent so-) Fazbear," Monty said with his circuits heated, the rest of the ride was awkward, and quiet, after the elevator doors had opened, Monty and Freddy walked to Gator Golf in silence, only silence, once the 2 got to Gator Golf they both went to the counter and Monty signed them in and got 2 golf clubs, Monty gave one to Freddy, "T-Thank you!" Freddy said flustered, he didn't know why he was flustered, but, he was, "Yer... welcome Fazbear, don't mention it." Monty said, once after playing a little, Freddy couldn't stop stuttering every time he had spoke, all because of a small crush on Monty, he couldn't handle it, "I will B-be right b-back! I am g-going to talk to s-sun!" Freddy said nervously, "Alright?" Monty said confused, Freddy then ran off and went to the entrance of the daycare, and knocked multiple times, "Come on, come on!" Freddy kept repeating, then sun opened the door, "Freddy? What are you doing here?" Sun said confused, "Hi sun! I need your help," Freddy said, "Why of course friend! What do you need help with?" Sun asked bubbly, "come on!" Sun said and let Freddy in, Freddy sat on the edge of the ball pit and sun sat next to him, "so, what is it you needed friend?" Sun asked, Freddy let out a sigh and then spoke, "I have, a um...crush...on someone," sun stood up quickly and and clapped his hands and jumped up and down quickly, "IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! WHOS THE LUCKY GIRL!? or guy!" Sun said energetically, and happy, Freddy was hesitant to answer but then he was just rambling words but sun understood it, "IreallylikemontybutIdontknowhowtotellhimhowifeelandidontknowifhelikesmeback!" Not even freddy himself knew what he had said, but sun understood, "you like Monty!? Wow! I never knew!" Sun said, he seemed to like that Freddy told him, sun hugged him and Freddy hugged him back and sun stopped hugging Freddy and looked at him, "I will help you do this! I will help you get!" Sun proclaimed, he did want to help, "Now! Go on a date with him at El chips!" Sun told Freddy, Freddy had nodded and ran back to Monty who was still Golfing, Freddy than ran up to Monty and Monty noticed him, "Oh, Fazbear, Yer back, Are you ready to conti-" Monty went on, but then Freddy interrupted him, "Date! At El chips! With me! At 8:00pm!" Freddy then ran off before Monty could say anything, Guess Monty had to go.

Time skip to 8:00pm

Monty left to El chips, when he got there, Freddy was sitting at one of the tables, Monty walked over to Freddy, "Hey Fazbear, ya wanted to come here with me?" Monty asked sitting down, Freddy nodded, "So what's the deal? Why'd ya wanna meet?" Monty asked looking at Freddy, they were making eye contact, which made Freddy steam up, "so, are ya gonna get anythin'?" Monty had asked, Freddy shook his said and said, "I'm f-fine! I-i don't w-want anything, h-how a-about you?" Monty had noticed his stuttering, it bothered him, "Are ya okay? Yer, stutterin' a lot," Monty asked, Freddy didn't know what to say and stayed quiet, "Fazbear? Ya, okay there? Are ya, feelin' okay?" Monty stood up and felt Freddy's forehead, and it was steaming, all because Freddy had a crush, a big one on Monty, "Holy fuck, your burnin' Fazbear," Monty said concerned, Freddy then quickly got up, "W-WELL ITS BEEN FUN! BYE!" Freddy had yelled, he then ran out, leaving Monty confused, meanwhile with Freddy, he was scared that Monty hated him, for just, leaving him randomly, meanwhile, moon was talking to Monty in the daycare, the lights were off, "So you wanted to, talk?" Monty asked, "Well it's about Freddy, since he won't tell you, I will for him, as a favor," moon said, Monty then looked confused and tilted his head to the side, "What do ya mean moon?" Monty asked with confusion in his voice, "Monty, Freddy likes you, like, like likes, you, like wants to be with you, he told sun and I couldn't help but listen," Moon explained everything, and Monty, felt his circuits heat up, Freddy liked him, like, actually liked him! "Thanks for tellin' me, moon, ah need to go talk with Freddy, ah'm sure he's in his room," Monty then left after saying this and went to Freddy's room, where Freddy was on his couch, Monty just walked in without knocking in result, startled Freddy, a lot, "M-MONTGOMERY! w-what are you doing her-" before Freddy could finish, he was cut off by Monty, "Fazbear, Ah know ya....like me, moon, told me everythin'," Freddy went silent, moon knew about Freddy's crush and told Monty, I mean, Freddy was happy Monty finally knew but he was scared of what Monty's answer was, Freddy then got up from the couch and walked over to Monty and looked at him, "I get if you don't accept my feelings, I wouldn't accept my feelings either," Freddy let out a chuckle but then Monty grabbed Freddy by his shoulder blades and pulled him close, Freddy then started to heat up, extremely, "Freddy Ah, like you, too, ah always did like ya, ah..." Monty had leaned closer to Freddy, Monty was practically close enough to kiss him, "Freddy, ah love ya, Freddy," Monty then went close enough and, kissed Freddy, Freddy immediately got over heated, he was steaming, but then he calmed down and kisses back with no hesitation, they then broke kiss and Monty then pushed Freddy onto the couch and pinned him down to the couch laid down on top of Freddy which took Freddy by surprise but wrap his arms around Monty, Monty started to cuddle him, "ah'm, glad you like me too,

"Teddy bear..."

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