The Bears Happy Birthday pt.2

463 11 28

Another request by: i_love_Monteddy my beautiful child <3


-Freddys pov-

A week after my birthday, I could only think of Monty, I was flustered by the fact me and Monty had sex right on my birthday but... He also proposed to me, that made me happy just thinking about it. I smile at the warmth, I was really getting married to Monty. The guy of my dreams! I was so happy and grateful, I sat in my bed looking through my phone, all the wedding preparations were done, I was excited.

I was really about to be Monty's husband, and he was going to be my husband. After the wedding were to finish I don't even know what would happen then, I'd probably suggest cuddling or watching a movie, maybe. We will figure it out.

As I laid on my bed, I soon remembered that the wedding was tomorrow. I smiled in excitement as I tossed and turned, giggling. I was very happy I'd be marrying Monty tomorrow. I smile and ad I sit up I hear a knock on the door. I opened it and saw Gregory standing there.

"Freddy," He said, "I wanted to tell you that Roxy picked out you and Monty's wedding outfits." He added on, I chuckle and pat Gregory on the head.

"Thanks for telling me superstar!" I said happily. Gregory smiled and hugged my leg and I smiled.

"How about this, Two days after the wedding, I'll take you to that fast food place you love so much!" I clasped my hands together and Gregory's jaw dropped.

"But I thought you hated that place! You said it was disgusting-" and I do recall saying that, But for Gregory's sake. I will take him.

"Yes I did say that. But you love that place and I'll happily take you to it! And I'll even try the food," I sighed. Gregory smiled and hugged me as I crouched down. I returned the hug happily. After a few seconds Gregory pulled away from the hug.

"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow dad! Vanessa's gonna take me to my friends house!" Gregory said running off, I stood up and then it hit me, He called me 'Dad' instead of Freddy, I happily smile, How could I not?

Before I turned away and went back into my room a tall figure picked me up bridal style. I looked and already figured it was Monty.

"Hello babe!" I giggled, Monty smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Hello my dear!" Monty nuzzled my cheek and I blushed and wrapped my arms around Monty's neck gently.

"Hey darling, Ah have somethin' we could do after the weddin', if... Ye agree ta it..." Monty had a smug expression and I smiled.

"Why of course i'm up for it! Why wouldn't I be?" I giggle. Monty put me down and pet my head,

"Sweet! Can't wait ta get married ta the best guy in the world," Monty kissed me on the lips and I returned the kiss. He held my waist and pulled it to him, I blushed and put my hands over his, Monty started nuzzling my neck.

"Monty are you alright?" I asked, Monty nodded.

"Just excited fer the weddin' is all... It is tomorrow after all." Monty chuckled.

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