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-Glamrocks are able to bleed (oil) and blush so- yeah,
- Gay

Freddy was in his room, after a long day of hanging out with the Kids and preforming, Freddy as usual, put his things away in his backroom and sat on his couch, exhausted, the performance took a lot out of him, Freddy was just sitting on his couch thinking about random thoughts, Freddy then started to feel...like he was, sick? Freddy felt sick, he felt weird in his stomach, "What is this feeling? I feel odd," Freddy said to himself quietly, the feeling then got worse, Freddy felt too sick, he then got up from the couch and went to his vanity and felt like collapsing, he had never felt this odd before, then...he puked, up oil, Freddy then covered his mouth and felt even more sick and collapsed on the floor, Freddy took off his hat and fanned himself with it, he was hot, he felt sick, but he couldn't just stay on the floor, he got up slowly, he dropped his hat on the floor, then left his room, Maybe I can ask Vanessa what's going on! Freddy thought to himself, he put his arms around his stomach trying to prevent puking again, But then, he bumped into a tall figure, and it was Monty, he took off his shades and and looked down at Freddy, "Fazbear, what are you doing? You look like an idiot, why are you wrapping your arms around your stomach? You look like an idiot," Monty stated, Which made Freddy a bit upset, Monty always was this rude but it still made Freddy sad, Freddy then shivered feeling like puking again but held it in, "M-Monty, I really need to go, like, at this secon-" Freddy stopped talking and puked up oil and covered his mouth tearing up, "JESUS! WHAT THE FUCK!?" Monty yelled shocked by Freddy puking, Monty then knew he was sick, Freddy didn't know, Freddy has never been sick or seen anyone sick so he didn't know what "Sick" was, Monty then looked around and it was only Him and Freddy since Roxy and chica were getting repairs because and chica getting trash stuck in her parts and Roxy's arm came right off from driving the race cars, racing with the kids, Monty couldn't get any help but, he was Freddy's only help right now, Monty had no choice, "W-what is this feeling?...it makes me feel weird!..."Freddy, asked a bit scared, "Fazbear, yer just sick, it's normal, ah mean, ah got sick too once," just from Monty saying this, it made Freddy feel more reassured, "Listen, fazbear no one else is really here to help ya but me, so if Ah'm goin' to help, ya better listen." Monty said, and Freddy nodded and Monty without thinking took Freddy's hand and walked him over to Freddy's room, once they got in Monty had told Freddy to sit down on the couch and Freddy did, Monty then noticed the oil on the floor from Freddy, he then cleaned it up and Freddy felt guilty that Monty was cleaning up after him, "Fazbear, don't be so upset, be lucky ah'm helpin' ya here." Monty said in a low tone, Freddy blushed a little, "Ah will be back, ya stay here got it? Ya got that? If ah find ya gone when I get back so help me ya won't be getting help if yer gone," Monty announced, he then left to get some supplies for Freddy, Freddy stayed sitting on the couch, he was feeling like puking again, but he has to hold it until Monty got back at least, and after a few minutes, Monty did come back, with a trash can, medicine, some blankets and pillows and plushies, mainly Monty plushies because he went into his room for the supplies, "Thank you Montgomery," Freddy said, he was grateful for Monty helping him, it made him happy that Monty wasn't yelling at him, and finally helping him for once, "Now, I need ya to lay down and rest, ah will leave the trash can right here next to ya just incase you feel like pukin' again," Monty said placing down the trash can next to Freddy, Monty put some pillows down and Freddy laid his head down on the pillow and Monty put the blanket over Freddy, Monty couldn't believe he was helping someone he hated but, he couldn't just let him go sick like that, "Now ah need ya to take some medicine, then ya can rest," Monty said opening the medicine bottle, Monty did also bring a spoon because the medicine was a liquid medicine, Monty then poured some medicine onto the spoon and Freddy took it, it tasted terrible but if it helped Freddy, Freddy would take it, Freddy then held one of the Monty plushies close to him and blushed a little, "Now ya should get Yer rest, I will come back later," Monty then stood up straight and turned around to leave but then Freddy grabbed his hand and Monty jumped a little then turned back around, "Fazbear? What are you doin'?" Monty asked, "I want you to stay with me, Montgomery...I don't want to be alone..." Freddy said, with slight embarrassment in his voice, Monty blushed slightly as he fully turned around and sat down on the floor next to Freddy, "Fine, ah will stay, but just because yer sick, ya idiot..." Monty said, and he did what he said and stayed, right next to Freddy in which Freddy was still holding his hand and not letting go in which Monty had noticed, "Uh, fazbear, ah said ah would stay, ya can let go of my hand now..." Monty said, but then, he had noticed Freddy pulled Monty's hand closer to him and smiled, Monty couldn't help but fully blush and become embarrassed, "Fazbear! Let go! Ah only a-agreed to s-stay with ya! Not hold hands!" Monty recalled, blushing but before Monty to know it, Freddy was asleep, practically cuddling Monty's hand, Monty then started mumbling to himself angrily but still blushing, a lot.

Monty then looked at Freddy asleep, Cute... Monty thought to himself, he then shook those thoughts out of his head, Pull yerself  together Monty! Yer better than this! He's not cute! Monty repeated in his head, but, he was just lying to himself, Monty then gave up on trying to get his hand free and just accepted it, "Dumb, cute bear..." Monty said to himself, he then blushed and leaned close to Freddy forehead, then he, kissed it, Monty pulled back immediately with his whole face red, AH DID NOT JUST DO THAT! WHY DID AH DO THAT!? UGH! Monty thought to himself, he then sighed and just leaned on the couch, he then after awhile fell asleep.

After an hour or so Monty was woken up due to Freddy puking, "Shit, Fazbear, are...ya okay?" Monty asked, "Yes Montgomery, I'm okay!" Freddy answered, he was still holding Monty's hand, he then noticed and let go immediately, "I-Im sorry Montgomery!" Freddy said blushing, "It's, fine, ya didn't know," Monty told him, after Freddy had taken more medicine, he didn't go back to sleep but instead, Monty still on the floor sitting on the couch leaning his back on it, Freddy got off the couch and sat next to him, Monty looked over at Freddy confused, Freddy then leaned his head on Monty's shoulder and Monty blushed, so did Freddy, but then, when Monty turned his head to look at Freddy, he was asleep, and Monty turned red which was unlike him but then Monty but, Monty liked how he was...Helping Freddy, Monty didn't know why he was glad to help Freddy but he just was, Monty then fell asleep shortly after Freddy did...

~The next day~

Monty woke up, and found Freddy leaning on his shoulder, monty slowly put Freddy to the side and got up, he then picked up Freddy and placed him down on the couch and covered him up with a blanket, Monty then felt Freddy's forehead and it wasn't hot, so Freddy was getting better, Monty gave a small smile and then, kissed Freddy's forehead and left, soon after Freddy woke up he sat up and felt way better, he wasn't puking or anything, he had to thank Monty, he was the one that helped him, Freddy left to find Monty, then after while, he had found Monty in gator golf golfing, Freddy looked at Monty and ran to him, Monty didn't know he was there then, Freddy hugged him from behind, Monty jumped and dropped his golfing club on the Ground, "Fazbear!? What're, doin'?" Monty asked, "I wanted to thank you for helping me when i was sick!" Freddy answered, Monty stood still, no one has never been thanked for something before, Freddy then stopped hugging him and Monty turned around, then, Monty started to feel something, he wanted to get close to freddy and...kiss him, Monty wanted to, so, he the grabbed Freddy by the shoulders and pulled him close, Monty then started to look at Freddy and head up, Freddy was confused but was still blushing, Monty then closed his eyes and leaned closer, Freddy also closed his eyes, then...after a few seconds, they had kissed eachother, the kiss lasted a few minutes, then the kiss was broken, Freddy turned red and Monty blushed, Freddy then smiled and so did Monty, the two then kissed again and broke the kiss, "Wow, ah, neva' thought that ah, would eva' get ta do that, ta ya," Monty said blushing "Yeah, your, a good kisser Monty," Monty nodded and then Monty hugged Freddy, Freddy hugged back, "Freddy?" Monty said, "Yes?" Freddy responded, Monty took a breath before speaking, he put his hand on Freddy's cheek and said...

"Ah love ya Freddy,"

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