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Guys I'm too lazy to do the y/n is dreaming that she got shot so ye enjoy the chapter


Ugh my head hurts tsk. And what was that dream?
Me getting shot an injection?
I tried to move but suddenly it hurst ARRHHHH
so I stay still but I opened my eyes and saw a light?
"Am I in heaven?" I muttered

A chuckle was Heard in the room and I flinched
"Who's there?" I said I fully opened my eyes but can't move cause it hurts

But I moved my head at the sound that I heard
And saw that blonde man again

"You?.." I mumbled he softly smile at me
"Hello kid. Let me introduce myself and you'll introduce yourself ok?" He said and I nodded

"My name is Erwin Smith, The 13th commander in the survey corps" he flashed me a soft smile

I widened my eyes a little and went relax
"My name is Y/n Yeager,can I ask?"

He nodded "where am I? And where's my brother?"
"Ur in the infirmary room but ur brother isn't here"
He's said straight forward

I widened my eyes "please don't tell me..he died"
I started crying not dramatically
He stand up and put his hand on my shoulder "hey don't worry maybe ur brother maybe on one of the boats" I looked at him confused "what boats?"
He chuckle "to transfer them to another village in the walls. So maybe ur brother is safe.."

I nodded. "Oh I forgot I got you food and water. Here" he gave me food and water

I do feel hungry and thirsty "thank you mister.."
"Just call me Erwin,y/n.."

I start eating but "Erwin?"he looked at me"mhm?"
"Can You train me because I want to join the survey corps.."

His eyes widened but smiled "sure but I'm not the one gonna train you.." he stands up
"Then who is it sir?- I mean Erwin?"
"Captain Levi. Your training is starting tomorrow"and he left

"Captain Levi?.." I mumbled my lips turn into a smile

-Meanwhile at Eren's-

Eren POV

I gripped my hands and stand up
"Eren?" Mikasa said "eren what's gotten into you?"
Armin Said with his hand on my shoulder
I slammed my hands on the side of the boat "I'll kill every single  titan I'll avenge my own sister,my own mother" i said sternly

"Eren.." armin said

Third person POV

"Eren Are you okay?" Mikasa said Eren tried to get up "you were having a nightmare." She added
"I feel like I just saw my dad..." eren said

"No,you were dreaming" "oh.."
Eren looked down and noticed the key to the basement

"Let's go" mikasa said "they said they're handing out food" she added Eren get up and put the key hidden on his shirt

As they walked out of the stable
Eren covered his eyes from the sun light now he uncovers it he was shocked he was in another district in the walls

"Eren!" Someone called eren just look at armin
" mikasa!" He added he ran towards us
Holding three pieces of bread

"Here!, just in time" armin said while panting
"My grandpa got us some by saying it was for children!" He added while he give as the bread

"Thank you" mikasa said
Eren looked up behind armin, there's this angry
Soldier behind him and he walked away

"What's his problem?" Eren frowned
"You can't blame him" armin said "there's probably not enough food to go around"

"That's an entire day 's worth"

"Why should we give  our food to some lousy outsider" some soldier said
"If the titans go through the wall.they could've at least eaten more people, if u ask me" the other soldier said

Eren had enough so he went towards the soldier
"Eren!" Armin trying to call eren but failed
The soldier was about to say something stupid again until eren kick his ankle  "Oww!"

"What the hel u want. Damn kid" he punched eren
And the other soldier kick him
"You don't know what its like.
You've never seen what the titans do to people!"eren shouted

"Shut up!-" the soldier was about to kick eren but armin cut him off " I apologize!"

"His just hungry and irritable!, That's why he so rudely lashed out at an adult" armin said

"I'm very sorry" armin said while bowing his head
The soldier left without a second glance

"Damn" eren said while he frowned his eyebrows
"I refuse to let them take care of me" eren said

-Timeskip-(cause I'm sick and tired of Eren's "iLl kIll aLl tHe tItAns shit)


The next day

I woke up on the door being open and saw Erwin and a short man ?

I sit up and look at them "good morning" I said
"Good morning to you too y/n" Erwin said with a smile on his face

He nudge his elbow to his small friend to signal him to do something. Erwin left and Levi come in and sat on the couch " Tch hey brat, the name's Captain Levi I'll be the one to train you.." he said with no impression

I nodded Erwin got a tray of food and one cup of water and gave it to me to eat
"Thank you Erwin" I smiled
And eat

"After you eat your breakfast go change ur clothes
And start the training.." Levi said as he was about to leave "and don't forget don't be late before 7:30"

I nodded and I looked at Erwin
"Erwin Wheres my clothes at?"
Is in the cabinet, he smiled and pat my head and left

I finished my food and do my morning rontine
And I went to get the clothes. I wear them
I have the black sport bra a v-neck and just pants plus I'm 16

I walked out of my room yes I have my own room
Not the infirmary room

I walked until I got to the training field
And saw captain levi I walked towards him

"Now let's start" he said sternly

-hours later-

I'm panting so bad and this brunette with glasses keep watching me in.. lust?

Captain levi noticed it and said "that's hange but I call her four eyes"

I nodded and take off my shirt cause is to hot
And start training again

And I can't ignore the fact that this girl keep watching me in lust

Cruel World (female reader x mikasa x annie x hange)Where stories live. Discover now