Chapter 56 - Not happy

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After Sienna's parents left, Manuelle walked back into the living room with a pained expression on his face and filled us in on the secrets that were hidden from Sienna. I always knew that something was quite off about Armando. I never suspected that he was Sienna's twin brother.

I was also shocked when Manuelle told us he was adopted.

The difference was quite clear between them but I didn't give it much thought because he never treated her with disdain. He loved and truly cared for her like she was his real little sister. I greatly admired that.

Being family ain't by blood. It's by heart. That's what matters. Their bond was way too strong and could withstand the troubles they faced.

Manuelle seemed to be in a state of anguish about everything that transpired between them. I knew he was bothered about Sienna and wondered if she would see him differently now that the secret was out in the open.

I didn't know what to say to him at his point but one thing I was sure about is that Sienna loved him just as much and that feeling was never going to go away.

It's been an hour since Sienna locked herself up in our bedroom. I ached to be with her. I yearned for her to be in my arms so I could kiss her tears away. I just... wanted to be there for her.

I had to restrain myself from bursting through the door and being by her side. She needed space to process everything that happened and I respected that.

I just couldn't sit still while she was breaking down. What if she needs something and I wasn't there to help her?

Without a second thought, I walked away from the others who flashed me concerned looks and ran up the stairs, taking it two at a time before arriving at the closed bedroom in record time. I knocked on the door, hoping she would have calmed down and wouldn't push me away this time.

I stood there for a couple of minutes, knocking until my knuckles started to sting but she still didn't open the door. I pressed my ear to it and held my breath so I could listen in on her movements. Surprisingly, it was quiet. Her cries and whimpers weren't heard.

It occurred to me that maybe she was asleep and wouldn't want to be disturbed. I took that as my cue to leave and proceeded to make my way down the stairs. My steps slowly faltered before I could walk down the first step. I didn't know why I stopped but I just did.

Something felt strange. The air was rigid and made my lungs feel constricted. For some reasons, my heart thrashed around against my ribcage.

I returned back to the closed bedroom and pound my fist heavily on the door. It shook violently under my aggression. When she still didn't open the door, that's when I knew that something was definitely wrong. I just hoped my assumptions were wrong and she was just in a deep slumber.

A loud growl escaped my lips as I forcefully kicked the door open with my foot. It burst open and slammed against the wall from the force.

My eyes quickly scanned the room for Sienna. The bed was untouched and there was no sign of her. The emptiness of the room heightened my fear. I rushed over to the glass doors that led to the balcony but she wasn't there.

Then I ran over to the bathroom. Thankfully, the door was open. The first thing that caught my eyes was the trail of blood on the floor and Sienna laying unconscious next to the sink.

My heart literally jumped out of my chest at the sight. Next to her on the floor was a razor blade covered in blood. That explained why there were multiple open cuts on her body. I was paralyzed to the spot. A feeling of dread washed over me. It felt like gasoline poured onto the spark of fear in my belly making things much worse.

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