Royal Blue Blues

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    "Hello everyone, my name is Hado Nejire!" So that's her name. "My quirk is 'Wave Motion.' I can emit yellow waves of energy from anywhere on my body, but doing it too much makes me really tired. I look forward to working with you all, I hope you'll treat me well." Hado visibly scanned the room for a moment, making brief eye contact with Matthew. Her smile didn't falter, but her face grew ever-so-slightly redder. She quickly bowed and made her way back to her seat, Matthew lazily following her movement with his eyes; he couldn't help but think about how pretty she was, even through a half-lidded gaze.

     Well-kept long hair, a nice smile, pretty eyes... that were looking back at him. She cocked her head to the side, as if to say "are you okay?" Matthew blinked a few times before registering that they were making eye contact, having totally zoned out for a moment. He quickly waved his hand and shook his head, mouthing to her "nothing, sorry." She giggled and turned her attention back to the front of the room, where Amajiki was currently in shambles. Everyone's introductions continued as normal, Matthew largely unable to focus on them. He had picked out a few strong quirks to keep his eyes on, but he was really preoccupied with thinking about Hado.

     How could he not? The only thing to take his mind off of her was Togata phasing through his shirt during his introduction. Although the girl in front of him, Kouya Suna, seemed to have a crazy strong quirk. Turning into sand and being able to manipulate it at will sounded ridiculous even on paper, let alone in practice. She said she could even drain the moisture from things she touches, citing sand's ability to take on moisture. Amajiki and Taihou also seemed to have strong quirks, Taihou's cannons being as imposing as they were clumsy. They folded backwards onto his back when not in use, extending up to about 8 feet in the air. The size of them alone was intimidating, something Amajiki agreed on. Once introductions were over with, Midnight stepped back up to the front of the room and demanded everyone's attention.

     "Alright everyone, now that introductions are over with; it's time for your physical assessment!" Midnight produced a box from under her podium, filled to bursting with what looked to be uniforms. "Everyone take a uniform and change in the locker rooms by the dirt lot behind the main building. Be ready in 20 minutes!" Doing as they were told, Matthew and the rest of his class were swiftly gathered around Midnight outside. Matthew took a moment to scan the field, the dirt lot they were in easily exceeding 500 meters in most directions. Is the entire school this big? Midnight lazily tossed a baseball up and down in her palm, holding a small tablet in the other hand as she scanned over the now-assembled group. "Amajiki!" Amajiki almost leapt out of his socks at his name being called, Midnight startling a little in response. "How far was your best distance throw in middle school?"

     "A-about 35 meters, ma'am."

     "First of all, don't call me 'ma'am.' That makes me feel old. Second, that was without a quirk right? This time, I want you to use your quirk when you throw the ball." Midnight placed the ball squarely in Amajiki's palm and turned to the class. "I don't really care how you go about this as long as you sort-of throw the ball and use your quirk if applicable. I'm aware that some of your quirks don't necessarily apply to this, this is not being graded so just do your best. This is purely to establish a baseline from which you all will improve from. Now then, Amajiki. If you will..." She gestured to a chalk circle in the dirt, Amajiki stepping into it. He threw his arm back a few times to stretch, his fingers suddenly turning into a host of octopus tentacles. Some of the girls moaned in disgust, although most of the class gasped at his display.

     With a small grunt, Amajiki used his finger-tentacle-things(?) to launch the ball into the air, a short gust of wind following it. Everyone watched in awe as the ball flew through the air, eventually landing in the dirt somewhere clear across the field. Midnight's tablet pinged, producing a reading of 367 meters once the ball landed. Togata cheered for Amajiki, leading the rest of the class in doing the same. Amajiki hid his face behind his hand and hurried back into the group, earning pats on the back and other gestures in congratulations as the next person was called forward. Togata's throw was a measly 2 meters further than his middle school results, something he made a joke about himself to earn a laugh. Kouya's throw blew everyone's results out of the water, reaching a staggering 528 meters. Not long after was Matthew's turn, which he was largely dreading. It felt weird using his quirk in front of other people, especially after recalling how he would have to hide it at home. He took a tentative step into the chalk circle, throwing an apprehensive glance back at Togata, which he returned with a goofy smile and a thumbs-up.

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