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Love was a feeling to experience because it can teach us many things and we sometimes starts to value things which are present in our lives. Love was incredible and it can give both happiness and pain. That's why some people are scared because their hearts are fragile and can't take a broken heart. But some people are afraid to fall in love because they are scared, scared to face the reality. Some people don't even belief in love but others consider it as a remedy.

The whole ride was full of teasing only. One can't help but tease the other and the other can't help but whine, blush and be embarrassed by the teasing. They both were enjoying each other's company and the talk they were having. The elder started to tease the younger right after he got inside the car. For a moment the elder tried to make the younger forget the reality and be happy, that's why he was teasing him.

"Are you sure, you just seduced him?"

Jungkook knew what the elder meant by this question. Namjoon for a moment took his eyes off the road to see the younger's expression. He saw Jungkook was blushing, looking down on his lap and was playing with his fingers.


A fully red cute looking bunny whined looking at his brother. Namjoon chuckled and put his concentration back on the road. Namjoon loved it when his brother feel happy and free from all the problems he was facing. Namjoon decided to stop the teasing for a moment to give Jungkook the time to return back his red face to his normal face colour before they reach home. Namjoon stopped his car in front of a mansion but he didn't got out, he once again looked at Jungkook and saw a happy bunny. Jungkook was smiling like an idiot, his shirt first two buttons were open but he didn't care, Why? Because Taehyung opened it for him or he just don't care what the world thinks or he just want to show that he can do and be what he want to be. Namjoon smiled looking at his happy bunny, this was what he wanted from the start. He wanted his younger brother to be happy and want him to enjoy his life, was he happy? Of course he was because now Jungkook got a reason to be happy, to smile and that make Namjoon happy also. Even if it won't last for long, he was happy and that's all matters at the moment.


Jungkook shouted while looking at his brother confusingly. Namjoon shook his head and got rid of all the negative thoughts, he looked at his brother. His brother was looking at him with a pout on his face because the elder wasn't giving him any attention.


He asked and Jungkook looked at him with 'Are you for serious?' expression, he scoffed and sassily replied.

"I shouted because someone, a minute ago, parked his car and was just staring at his beautiful yet sexy brother"

Namjoon slightly laughed at his reply and decided to tease him again. He wants to see the most beautiful smile on his face and he can do anything for that.

"Sexy and beautiful? But I was staring at you...."

Namjoon then looked around, dramatically putting one of his hand on his chin indicating that he was confused.

"....nobody is here, then who are you talking about?"

Jungkook knew that his brother was playing but he got out of the car fuming in anger, Namjoon quickly ran behind him and back hugged him. The younger knew that the elder can't see his brother like that and he was getting back at him for teasing him. Jungkook tried and struggled to get away from his grip but Namjoon wasn't letting him. Namjoon kept his head on his shoulders and let the younger to struggle all he wanted but he wasn't ready to let him go, not now or ever.

Mafia's Last Mission: LOVEWhere stories live. Discover now