(Maybe) Final Update

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Hello beautiful people! It's been a while since I updated. You may have forgotten about this story, or you may be an active reader.

I've posted a bunch of updates on my profile and in previous chapters, but I think I should just wrap everything up here. First though, thank you.

Thank you for all the views, comments, and upvotes. I started this story way back for fun and didn't even realize how big this would be and how much people would enjoy this. And if you've been here from the start, thanks for sticking with me. 

Now, onto the updates and info.

I started this story and didn't realize how much work updating it would be. I enjoyed reading this content, so I started writing this. Now, twoish(?) years later, I'm tired. I don't have the time, energy, or mental capacity to update as frequently and come up with ideas. I'm also bored of the same story and the same reactions over and over again.

So I made the hard decision to stop updating this story. And I hope, as story writers yourself, you understand. This may be the end of this story, but I'm not done writing.

I keep saying I want to get more into writing again, and this is true. I won't be updating this anymore, but I have other projects. I'm also thinking of writing things other than Marvel, Stranger Things, etc. Let me know what you all think :)

Well, I think this is it for now. If you have any thoughts, comments, questions, or whatever, let me know in the comments!!!

Signing off,


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