The Summer Job *A Zayn Malik Fanfic*

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*Tara's P.O.V*

"Logan Stop! GIve it back!" I snapped while talking to my childfull of a friend "way to lighten the mood up tara, i was just playing around eh?My wonderful friend said. i glared at him "well these application papers are not for fun!, There for education mister genius!" He rubbed his hand threw his tousled jet black hair before speaking again "i dont see the reason why you need this stupid summer job." i took a deep sigh before saying anything "Logan, i told you i need this summer job so i can get the money to move to austraila". i said while still trying to focus on the curvy road that was ahead of me "It just seems like BS if you ask me". he stated firmly. Yes i was moving to austrailia but i have a very good reason why. My sister Elizabeth is there, and she has been in a coma for nearly a year now. the doctors called me saying that there might be a slight chance that she might awaken in the next 2 months. So im trying really hard to get the money i need to move there, and to make matters worse my Parents died in a car accident while they were going for there honeymoon in hawiie they got killed because of really bad head trauma and internal bleeding. They just left my big sister and i,roaming around the world with nothing.Complete Utterless nothing. But luckfully my friend Logan took me in and we now live at his flat. My sister elizabeth decided to go on her own path and move to austrailia, While leaving me here in london. I honestly dont know how me and Logan became friends it all just started off with him throwing sand at me and since then we instantly became friends."Logan stop throwing spitballs at me, im trying to drive here!'' He snickered starting to feel pleased with his work now that he got me to snap."C'mon Tara why dont you just stay at my flat instead of going to austrailia." He said now acting serious all of a sudden.I closed my eyes real tight and started focusing on the road again. " You know exactly why Logan, Im not repeating myself for the hundredth time.Now do i make myself clear?". He leaned his head onto the cold rainy window."Fine,mum."he mumbled. I slightly nodded and turned my eyes to the long highway that was before me. I know that im a 18 year old but i sure as hell sound like a responsbile adult am i right? But its really not my fault i mean i would act wild,funny,and doing immature things that a regular teenager WOULD do, but this is really not the time i HAVE to get this job interview right or i lose the chance to see my sister awake and me being the first thing she see's.So the best thing to do is to stay calm and let my responsible self take over. Before i knew it Logan had turned on the radio, all the songs were nice and preppy, That was until a song came on that made most girls fangirl over. it was those stupid 5 british boys again with there hit song 'Thats what makes you beautiful' its not that im against them or anything its just that there song comes on every.single.time.i turn on the radio Ugh cant i just get a break from these boys for once? "Logan can you please switch this station"I said with desire in my eyes. He furrowed his eyes together in confusion but soon enough, he got the idea and a devious smirk plastered on his face." Oh why Tara, i thought you liked these boys? Here let me turn it up for you.'' i rapidly turned my head towards him.oh hell no. "No logan you know how i cant sta-." but was intterupted by his ear piercing voice. "BABY YOU LIGHT UP MY WORLD LIKE NO BODY ELSE THE WAY THAT YOU FLIP YOUR HAIR GETS ME OVERWHELMED BUT WHEN YOU SMILE AT THE GROUND IT AIN"T HARD TO TELL YOU DON"T KNOW-UH-OH YOU DO'NT KNOW YOUR BEAUTIFUL!" I tensed up when he said the last verse to the song. But i didnt had the time to argue right now cause what stood in front of my eyes was a cream 3 story buliding.I took a large Gulp.Logan must had seen the nervousness in my eyes and his smirk that he had been holding since the whole sing-along-song dropped, he instantly turned the radio off and looked deeply into my boring hazel eyes."Tara dont be nervous its just a simple interview,Theres no need to worry." i frowned. "Logen this depends on my life,This is going to ruin the chance to see my sister thats in a fucking coma!" He sighed and pulled the strand of my loose chocolate curled hair behind my ear. "Tara ,Relax and put you head held high and March Right in there NOW GO." before i knew it he pushed me out the car door and slammed it behind me while giving me a thumbs up in the rearview window. I Gave him a cold Glare. I swear if looks could kill, Logan would be stabbed multiple of times. I stood there looking at the doors that held my future ,the doors that would make me have the chance to see my sister, The doors That might crush my hopes. NO TARA STOP THINKING THAT!  I raced in the building and held my head up high. Lets hope for the best. 

* Hi my lovelys hope you liked my story its my first time So please no hates I didnt proof read so just bear with me alright? well bye my Lovelys Hope we talk soon and it would be really grateful of you guys if you voted this so you will get an early update by monday or sunday whichever well bye!!! <3


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