The Walk-In

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*Logan's P.O.V*

As i saw her marched in the 3 story building i couldint help but wonder how she was so lucky to have me. she wouldint even have found this job opened if it wasnt for me. As i stared at the silver clear-through doors waiting for my ignorant best friend, i decided to put on the radio again, there were blasted good songs until a dull interview came on i let out a groan and was about to change the station until i heard those two words 'One Direction" which made me pay attention instantly. "So boys since you just finished performing in Ireland where are you off to next?" the radio interviewer joyfully said. i heard a deep voice came on. I believe his name was harry? or no. Wait Yes she just said his name was Harry. "Well for the next couple of weeks, Managment has allowed for us to take a break and stay in our hometowns So we will not be too homesick,Cause Zaynie here has cried a couple of times". I heard laughter in the backgroud. "Exactly your hometowns are in where?'' The interviewer abruply asked.The deep voice came on again."in London around in bradford". My eyes widened and i instinctly cut off the radio.They were coming around in bradford?! Wait? Tara annoys one direction am i correct? What am i saying, of course she does ,she cant even stand them! An idea Abruptly popped into my wee little head.Thats It! im Going to enter a contest to win one direction tickets and just say to Tara that there for the band Coldplay (She absoulutely ADORES the band!) I put on my best devious cold-Glare-Catching smirk on and i dialed the number slowly  making sure that every once in a while i have got the correct numbers punched in. i clicked on the green button and waited for a cheerful voice to ring into my ears ''Hi! Your calling Crash Fm the radio station may i help you?" I Scrunched my nose and nonchantly did my best English accent " Yes indeed You can, Im calling for to win the last One direction tickets".

*Tara's P.O.V*

I glanced at my Lavender sequined watch which had my favorite band of all time in the middle 'Coldplay' . It read 4:36. Damn! i already have been in the blood sucking hell place for over a hour and a half already?! "Um Ms.Hale this is your Last question Its very simple really". I watched the lady that was before me she had beautiful ringlets of curly dirty blonde hair and had a, Short black tight skirt which had ruffles at the hem.Im guessing she's 26? i nodded so that she can continue with our Last Reliefull Question."Do you Like to have any sexual contact with any customers?" She said Like she was really gratefull for that question.i frowned. " Kind of person do you think i a...m." I said with a stuttered beginning. She glanced at me with worriness in her eyes " Oh im so sorry Miss i didnt mean to offend you! it just say's that kind of question in the papers ,and believe me if i made these questions i would have not put it in this!'.she exclaimed while waving her hands frantically which her eyes filled with concern and hope. I chuckled lightly. " its fine, Just maybe tell your boss about this ok?" i stated firmly. she nodded frantically like i was taking charge over her.She set her Gaze over to the papers that had check marks on them that were lined up. i hope those ment they were good. She Nodded again with appreciation this time, and turned to me to say something. " Ok you wanted a part time and a Full time job am i correct?" i Slightly nodded trying to figure out where she was going with this." Well for the full time job you will be working as a lifegaurd for our luxourious 'Shark MoonBeam' Pool. And for Part-Time you will be a ice cream carrior on 'Sandy oakes' Beach". I widended my eyes. " Wait does this mean that I....i...Get job?" i managed to choke out between my awful case of stutters ." Yes Ma'm you do". She added with a Gleaming perfect- white- teeth smile at the end.  "Wh...when do I start and what time please?" She checked her chart that was full of Letters. "Friday at 2:30 sharp, Can you manage it dear?" She stated worringly Cause i was grinning like a freaking idiot right now. "Yes of Course! May i leave now?'' i stated happily. She looked at me Confused. "Yes......". She holded the 's' Long. I twirled around to face the doors and almost bursted out but i turned right back around. "Um Excuse me but what is your Name?" i said while acting notchantly by playing with my fingers. " Its Maya, But you can call me May for short". She twirled her finger around while saying that. " Well i'll make sure to put a compliment of how good your service was May." I added with a thin line smile and just stormed out of the Little compartment room while leaving Maya stunned. I Exited the 3 story buliding while feeling Joy, Relief and Gratitude while hugging myself like a idiot. People were probably starting to stare at me like im a physco, But do i care HELL NO! Im just soo happy that i got the summer job! i happily skipped to my red Toyota car feeling so free, i searched for logan's head into the window to find him on the phone talking to someone while having a devious thin lined smirk planting right at the edge of his lips i furrowed my brows and went into my vanilla scented car " Um Logan who is that?" He gave me the 'Hold on finger' while i tried to listen to the conversation but logan kept shoving me off his shoulder. it seemed like he was talking to a really cheerful lady, Finally he hung up the phone and sent me a glare "Dont You know better not to eaves-drop when a person is having a conversation on the phone''. he said with one eyebrow up and when down " Don't you know better not to hide stuff from a friend?" i immitated while copying his same exact expression on what he used on me. He chuckled. "Seems like your in a better mood then BEFORE, so let me guess you got the job?'' he stated with his know it all face.i giggled while i started the car and turned to face him." Why yes Mister Patrick i did and MAN did that lady ask alot of questions!" i let out a playful sigh of relief. " So what Jobs did you get". he murmered while shoving two pieces of JuicyFruit Gum into his mouth.

" I have Pool Duty and a ice cream carrior on the beach".

"hehe Duty...."

"I swear logan you could be soo childish sometimes".

"HEY! at least i live my life Unlike you Missy!"

"Shut it".

And that really was the end of our conversation, For a whole hour. It wasint a awkward silence just a very peaceful and relaxing silence.As i pulled into Logan and I's flat i brung up the whole phone conversation thing again "We'll talk about that later" i nodded and played with the hem of my turquiose tank top for the 85th time already, it started to get awkward that was until Logan's Phone buzzed and he rapidly took his phone. I stared at his face trying to see if he was going to have any facial expresion anytime. His eyes widened and his mouth made the shape of a 'O'  "YES!!!!" He ear piercing Shouted. You could even hear it from the milky way. he started fist-pumping my car cieling and kept reapeting the words 'I cant believe it'  " Logan calm down are you ok?". i said with a sincere look on my face. " He just smiled so big you could fit a whole watermelon in their "Hell Yeah!" He said with another row of  fist pumping on my car door this time. "Well Why?" i was very utterly Confused on what was happening. He jumped outside and ruffled his jet black tousled hair. (i love saying that) "Oh....for the best night of your life tonight''. he winked at me and started racing into our totally decked out house.(Which means an awesome/Epic house) He just left me sitting in the car dumbfounded. What did he exactly mean by the best time of my life? where were we even going? How come i didnt know about this earlier? whatever it was, it got me wondering of what was in store for me tonight.

-:-:- Do You like it? Do you Loooovvveeeee it? hehe well if you do there is a VOTE Button Below!!! Please it wll mean soooo much to me and plus im sorryy if this is a boring chapter but in the next chapter there will be more sparks flying! and steamy too oooohhhhhh Love you my Lovelies stay beautiull and remeber Lots of votes means early update <3 -:-:-:

The Summer Job *A Zayn Malik Fanfic* EDITING DONT READWhere stories live. Discover now