Chapter 11

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Calvin's POV

It's been a couple hours since Liam left and Calvin is waiting in the living room for him to get home. A part of him feels like maybe Liam going on a date with Alban is the best idea. Calvin knows that Liam is the best person in this town and he deserves the best person. Calvin can never give him.

After what seemed like forever, Calvin heard a car pull up outside the house. He went to the front door and looked out the window, not wanting to open the door because then it would be obvious he was waiting. He watched as Liam and Alban exchanged a hug and Liam climbed out of the car. As Liam was walking to the front door, he looked straight at Calvin. Calvin quickly ducked back into the living room, hoping Liam didn't see him.

Liam opens the door and looks at Calvin, "What are you doing? You know that's kinda stalkerish."

"I'm not doing anything," Calvin says as he looks around. Noticing the houseplant he is basically standing inside of. "Just admiring the shrubbery."

"Oh really? If that's true then why were you staring out the door window?"

"I... um... I heard some commotion and thought I'd check it out. You know? Don't want anyone breaking in." Calvin awkwardly looked at his hands.

"You're a really bad liar."

"So," Calvin scratched the back of his neck. "How was your date?"

"It wasn't a date. But you were sorta right, he thought it was. He had this elaborate set up."

"Well, don't tell Tommy that we were right. You would never live it down."

"When would I ever admit either one of you is right. You both have huge egos and that would just fuel it."

"Yeah," Calvin agrees as he starts to head for the stairs. "I need to finish packing. You know, I leave first thing in the morning."

"Will I get to say goodbye?"

"Of course. You can ride to the airport with me if you want. Tommy is driving."

"I will, but can I ask you something before you go?"

"Sure, you can ask me anything."

"Now that you're leaving and I'm staying here, what does that mean for whatever the fuck we are to each other?"

"Oh," Calvin looks at the floor as he thinks. "Well, um, I would hope we still talk to each other. Obviously things won't be the same and I know you don't really want to date me while I'm here, so you obviously won't put in the effort to attempt a long distance relationship."

"The effort? I put so much more effort into this thing we have than you do. All you do is tell me someone else is better than me. Plus I'm not the one who runs from every single kind gesture someone throws my way. Don't just throw everything on me just because you can't handle it."

"That's not what I'm doing, Liam! Besides, what's the point in effort when you refuse to tell anyone that you might have even an ounce of feelings for me? I bet you didn't tell Alban that you like me. Did you even tell him you weren't interested in him?"

"Of course I told him I didn't like him! I'm not a total bitch even though you think I am. I'm sorry that I haven't figured out if I like you yet! That should be my business and no one else's. Can't I have that at least?"

"Well, once I'm gone you'll have plenty of time to think."

"So you're just going to leave me here? Of course running is the only thing you know. I hope you rot in hell." Liam storms upstairs, to his room.

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