Chapter 6.

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Zed yawned, but then quickly groaned and gripped his head. He has a huge head ack, and felt extremely dizzy but then stood up, sighing.

Zed's Dad, Zion had to go work and he had dropped his little sister of at her friends house, but lucky him had to get to school.


After an hour, Zed was ready and at school. He walked into his Spanish class first, and sat on the only vailable seat left. Beside Wyatt. He wasn't late, but he wasn't early either.

He sat down, dropping his bag to the floor as Wyatt smiled warmly to him, Willa and Addison sitting beside Wyatt, Zed on the end.

"Alright Class!" The teacher started the lesson, having Mrs. Orozco, he sighed in relief, since she was always nice to him.

As the teacher droned on and on about spanish, she handed out the work sheets, smiling at Zed once giving him one.

"Try your best." She said, whispering to him as Zed nodded and took one glance at the sheet before quickly writing down what came to mind. Finishing in 5 minutes, he pushed the sheet away from him, sighing.

"You're fast." Wyatt whispered to him, as Zed nodded then looked down at his bag, before looking behind him, when something was chucked at him.

'Just great.' Zed thought, as some of Bucky's friends were sat behind him.

"You finished, Zed?" Miss asked Zed, as he nodded so Mrs. Orozco picked up the sheet, kneeling beside Zed once she had ticked all of the answers, "Could I talk to you outside for a moment?"

Zed was confused but nodded and stood up, walking outside, moments later Mrs comeing out.

"Zed, so far you have gotten everything right in this class, so I wanted to try something. How about I give you homework based on what we first ever learned when you joined in this school, but you don't have to do it, if you can't okay?" Mrs asked, as Zed nodded, "Perfect. So, I'll write that out for you and you go take a seat."

Zed gave a small smile and walked back into his class and beside Wyatt, who had been talking to Willa, as Mrs started writing down on some paper, 5 more minutes being left of the class.

After a few more minutes, the class was dissmissed.

"Here you go Zed. Due date is next week." Mrs. Orozco said, handing Zed a piece of paper as he nodded and exited the classroom, looking down at the paper as he walked down the corridor, Allison, Wyatt, and Willa all running to his side.

"Hey Zed!" Allison said, "What's that?"

"Just homework." Zed said, while shoving the paper into his pocket, "What class you all have next?"

"Maths." They all answered.

"Same." Zed said, with a smile as they all walked into the Maths class, Zed sitting by the window, while Addison decided to sit beside him, Wyatt behind Zed, and then Willa behind Allison.

"Hello Class. Today we will be doing the angle of triangles!" Sir said, "Can somebody explain to me how to get the answer to this question?"

Sir's eyes scanned the room, before they landed onto Zed.

"Zed. Do you know?" Sir asked, as Zed looked at the board.

"Uh, you do Base X Height. Which would be 4 X 10, which is 40, so then you do 40 devide by 2?" Zed guessed.

"And, the answer is..?"

"20." Zed said, as Sir nodded then carried on going through demonstrations.

A knock sounded at the door, but Zed wasn't listening.

"Hello, could I have Zed please?" Zed then turned to the door upon somebody mentioning his name.

"Okay. Zed?" Sir said, motioning towards the door, where Mr. Hearn was stood, smiling at him.

Zed stood up, grabbing his bag he then pushed past Allison and outside.

"Hello Zed." Mr. Hearn said, smiling at Zed.

"Uh, hi Mr. Hearn?" Zed questioned.

"Let's go to my office." Mr. Hearn said, turning the corner to the office, Zed following, the door shutting behind him.

"So, I wanted to see how you were doing?" Mr. Hearn asked, while Zed just shrugged.

"Alright, I guess..." Zed mumbled.

"Hey, remember last time? When, I told you to try out something physical, like sports?" Mr. Hearn asked.

"Uhm, no... sorry, I've just been busy. With, homework and... taking care of my Sister." Zed said.

"Your Sister. What's her name?" Mr. Hearn asked.

"Zoey..." Zed mumbled.

"That's a cool name." Mr. Hearn said, smiling softly at Zed who slowly smiled back, "Who are you're friends?"

"Uh, Allison, Willa, and Wyatt. Well, I'm not really sure if they really are my friends, but they act like they are." Zed said, smiling, "They've helped me alot."


After 10 minutes, Zed and Mr. Hearn was outside, just wakling along the field.

"So, Zed. I find that, it's sometimes eaiser to talk to somebody. About happy memorises. So, do you have any... happy memorises? Maybe, of you're Mom?" Mr. Hearn asked, while Zed sighed and looked off to the side, "We can talk about something else, If you'd--!"

"A few years ago," Zed started, cutting Mr. Hearn of, "My Mom had sneaked out late on the night with me, we had sneaked past the guards what was next to the barriers, and we went to a field. It was my favourite place, we were catching fire flies. It was just the two of us, and I still go there to this day. We always just layed there and looked up at the sky, watching the shooting stars..."

"That sounds lovely, Zed." Mr. Hearn said softly, when suddenly the bell went, "That's the finale bell. Everybody should be in class now. I'll walk you to your lesson, telling them that you were with me."

Mr. Hearn and Zed both walked into the school and down the hall.

"Mr. Hearn." Zed muttered, after a few minutes, "Thanks. For, just helping him I guess."

"It's okay, Zed. I was in a simular boat as you." Mr. Hearn smiling at him, when they suddenly stopped outside of the classroom, "But, is there anything what helps calm you down? Like, you're anxiety?"

Zed looked down.

"Well, I guess... my friends sometimes helps me. But, it's this what calms me the most." Zed said, grabbing his necklace from around his neck, "It was the last thing my Mom ever gave me. When ever I look at it, and hold it, it helps me remember her."

"Alright, well come on." Mr. Hearn said, smiling at Zed while they walked into the classroom, everybody looking at him.

"Sorry Sir, he was with me." Mr. Hearn said, before looking at Zed while looking around.

"Go sit over there." Mr. Hearn whispered to Zed, motioning over to the back corner, where Wyatt sat. Zed smiled at him, when Mr. Hearn patted his shoulder and walked out. Zed walked to the back of his classroom and sat down beside Wyatt, who smiled warmly at him.

"Hey Zed." Wyatt whispered, when Zed nodded to him, "Everything okay?"

"Uh, yeah." Zed mumbled, "Everythings alright."

As Wyatt concentrated of what the teacher was on about, Zed couldn't help but watch Wyatt.

'He's adorable.' Zed thought to himself, before his eyes widened and he looked away, 'Wait, wait, wait! What am I thinking!? Am I gay? Do I have feelings for Wyatt?'

Zed become slightly panicked at thinking about the posibility.

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