LESSON 3: Not All Percy In The World Are Pompous Gits

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DISCLAIMER: I don't own Percy Jackson or Harry Potter


As the train doors opened, Harry shivered under his cloak, suddenly wishing that he could conjure thick blankets in thin air. Hermione stood next to him, bundling Crookshanks under her cloak and all the while chastising Ron for forgetting his dress robes which were still over Pidwidgeon.

"I don't know why you're so upset. Those dress robes are hideous!" Ron scowled, recalling the ancient-looking dress robes he first mistook as Ginny's. "I still can't believe she wanted me to wear that!"

"Get over it, Ron." Hermione noticed a familiar looking giant of a man yelling near the end of a platform. "Oh look! There's Hagrid!" She was about to drag her two friends towards him to say hello when five students, too old to be first years, beat them to it.

The oldest-looking, probably 16 or 17 years old, talked to Hagrid whose voice carried all the way across the spot where the trio are standing. "Good, good. Ye' all 'ere." He then proceeded to lead them to the usual route towards Hogwarts for first years.

"Wait a minute. Those were first years?" Ron spluttered in disbelief. "You've got to be kidding."

Harry's nose scrunched up. He remembered those five. He snapped his fingers in recognition. "Now I remember where I saw them! They're those guys who were arguing in front of Hogwarts Express before we departed." Now, Harry doesn't know every faces in Hogwarts, but he just have this feeling that those five don't belong. In what sense, Harry didn't know.

Apparently getting bored with the topic, Ron walked towards the hundred horseless carriages waiting for them outside the station platform. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville climbed into one of them, welcoming the warm heat instead of the harsh cold. None of them broke the silence and after a few minutes later, they finally arrived towards Hogwarts Castle.

Home, Harry thought.

This is Harry Potter's home. This is where he truly belong, not in Privet Drive, nor any other places he could think of, though the Burrow is a close second. Harry closed his eyes, enjoying the familiar scent of Hogwarts, of magic, and embracing the tingly feeling he always feels every time he enters the double oak doors. Even Malfoy's taunts earlier and what happened during the Quidditch Tournament didn't seem so bad now.

They immediately get out of their carriages, glancing briefly at the sky when lightning flashed. People in front were already hurrying up the steps, fearful that it will start raining any minute now. Once they were safely inside the Entrance Hall, they were immediately ushered to the Great Hall by Professor Flitwick.

"Into the Great Hall now, come on!"

They shuffled behind the group with Ron muttering furiously, still not forgetting the way Malfoy practically insulted his whole family. "I'll get back at him, that little git." Hermione, on the other hand, just shook her head and scratched her cat behind the ear.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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