tw[romantic CasJac] A Second Soulmate and A Bi Fate

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Trigger Warning: Homophobia from Jacks, liquor, quick mention of death

Note: As much as I LOVE Jacks and Evangeline as a couple, they are going to be platonic here. I think that, after Apollo's last...cough cough...move, once everything is figured out again, it would be perfectly reasonable for Evangeline to prefer to wait awhile before loving anyone romantically.

So the idea here is that Donatella and Dante are getting married and invited Evangeline. Evangeline, hoping to help Jacks heal and get over Tella, drags him along with her and he's all sulky boy about it. Then he meets Casper (who is gay (yes it's canon)) and to find out :)

I also like, headcannon Jacks to be bi. And I headcannon Casper to be totally awesome and not afraid of the Fates, or death :)

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And Jacks was on the same property as Donatella once again. For the first time since he'd fled to the North, after all of his adventures with Evangeline--pushing her into a marriage with Apollo, putting him into a dead/sleep, protecting her from the damned Archer curse put on Apollo by LaLa, finding all the stones to the arch, using his chance to time travel to bring Evangeline back to life after Chaos killed her, and rescuing her from normal ol' possessive Apollo and bringing her memories back--needless to say, he was ready to let go, relax, dance, drink and party.

   But not at Donatella and Dante's wedding. Anywhere but their wedding.

   Evangeline was forcing him to go, in order to "help him get over" her and "try to make peace"--both of which were not his strong suit, both as a Fate and the living, breathing symbol of heartbreak. He didn't exactly "get over" his first love, and he more likely then not would never get over Donatella.

   However, Evangeline wasn't giving him much choice in the matter, and he highly valued her friendship--which was the only reason he was coming at all. Not to mention the fact that he owed her a few favors after everything that he'd put her through.

   Her beautiful eyes shone as the flying carriage came in to land at the castle. Her pink-gold hair had been pulled back into a stylish messy bun, and her dress had a high neckline and tear-shaped peephole right above her breasts. It was a beautiful pink rose color with golden ribbons crisscrossing her stomach, and decorative buttons sewn around the hem. LaLa had called it her "apology gift", and Evangeline had been thrilled to finally have a excuse to wear it.

   Evangeline was beautiful, and she would make the right guy very happy some day. Jacks simply had to protect her until then.

   Although his job should theoretically be a lot easier now that the Apollo drama was done with and the Valory arch had been opened.

   He tossed his apple, linking his arm with hers as they walked through the front doors. He caught a couple double takes from guards and hard looks from other wedding guests, giving everyone who looked at him in such a way his best stare of indifference.

   Evangeline seemed to notice the weird looks people were giving him, so she donned her bright smile, trying to prove that she was comfortable with Jacks. It didn't do much good, but it did help Jacks feel a bit better.

   "I guess you were right about people not being the most friendly.." she whispered as they passed through the doors, into the front hall.

   "I told you, Little Fox. I'm a villain. And everyone here has enough experience with me to know that."

   "I disagree, they don't have nearly enough experience with you. You aren't quite a villain, more of a...unique hero."

   "Only in your story." he mumbled, biting his lip and casting her a nervous side-eye as they reached to doors to the ballroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22 ⏰

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