The Fall.

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First Person

""HHAHSHD-" Conner laughed aloud. I was laughing with him.

"Told you that we wouldn't get caught, nerd!" Conner said after laughing.

"I guess you were right, Conner. Heh. Can't believe I'm saying that. You, of all people. The mean jerk of school. The leader of the football team. Right? Who would've thought. Certainly not me!" I laughed at Conner, teasing him in a way.

"Oh shut up, Finn!!" Conner laughed, lightly punching me in the shoulder as a way to get back at me. I think? Idk-

Conner tapped my shoulder, snapping out of my thoughts. "YOU'RE IT!" He suddenly yelled, laughing as he ran away from me.

"I- That's not fair!! I don't do sports anymore!! AND you caught me off guard!!" I say, chasing after him.

"Wah-Wah!! Crybaby!! Come and get me!!" He stuck his tongue out at me. Rude!!

"I'm gonna get you for that!!" I yell back, running faster.

We were running around, playing tag like children, on the roof of a 10 story building. What could go wrong?

Everything. Everything could go wrong.

After 15 minutes,, something happened.

"AHA- WATCH OUT-" I yelled. Too late. Conner stepped off the roof. I ran over to where he was falling. 'Shit. Fuck. Damnit.' Was all I could think.

"AHHH-" Conner yelled as he started falling. He didn't fall far before I grabbed his wrist, he grabbed mine in return. But- we were both sweaty from running around for 15 minutes straight, we were out of breath.

"Hold- on-! I've got- you!!-" I spoke through my panting.

"Very- funny Finn..!-" He panted out, sarcastically. He looked down, seeing how high we really were.. 10 stories up.. What were we thinking?.

He started slipping from my grip. I was producing too much sweat too fast.. I began to pull him up, or, I tried to. He had slipped more, we were panicked. Then. He let go- of my wrist.

"Conner!! What the hell are you doing?! Grab my wrist!!-" Panic, confusion, and worry in my voice. 'What the hell was he thinking?' I was asking myself as I looked into his.. gorgeous emerald eyes..

"Finn.. I'm sorry.. But- you have to let go. Or you'll fall with me." His eyes were sad, his voice was stern yet scared.. He was right.

"What?! NO! I'M NOT--.. I won't let you go.. Never.." Tears formed in my eyes. I could tell his eyes were beginning to tear up as well.. I furrowed my brows and went to start helping him up- but I almost slipped-. I was on the edge of the roof on my knees, one wrong move- one too far lean and we both would have.....

He looked me in the eyes. And spoke 8 letters, 3 words, 1 final sentence to me, his final words.

"I love you."

He ripped his arm from my grasp; he softly smiled as he fell.

"NO!?" I laid on my stomach and reached to him, I was too slow. I couldn't save him. He fell.. farther.. and farther.. and farther.... Until he hit the ground. A bloody mess on the concrete. For some reason, my arm was still extended to reach him.. to catch him... I cried.. I stood up and ran down the fire-stairs we used to get the the roof. Then I ran to him, to his body. I kneeled beside his limp body, in his blood..

I laid my forearms on his motionless chest, laying my head on my arms. Sobbing. I was- destroyed. I am destroyed. Someone must have seen, because the ambulance and police were called. I was moved to the back of a cop car while he was put into the ambulance, after the cop peeled me off of him. The officer helped me calm down. I fell asleep in the back of the same officers cop car. That's- all that happened." I told the invesigator- or whatever the fuck this guy is.

"Thank you, Finnley. You are very brave for telling this. You are very strong. I am very proud of you, and I'm sure Conner is as well." He softly smiled at me. I nodded.

"Right,. Are we done here? I'm tired."

"Just one more question. Finnley. What was your relationship like? You and Conner's?" Is this guy fucking serious? Can he leave me alone? I've been answering questions for almost three damn hours..

"At first we were enemies, then we turned to rivals. Then, somehow, we turned into friends. And then crushes.. But that's where it ends. Because I can't confess to a dead person. Now. Are we done? I don't want to be here anymore."

"Uh- yes. My apologies. Have a good rest of your day, Finnley. The door is open:)."

"It's whatever. Bye" I left. God I fucking hate people. Everyone's either giving me dirty looks or their stupid pity. I don't need their pity. My family isn't any better either. They all look at me with one of two things: pity or hatred. Jade doesn't believe me when I say Conner pulled away from me. I didn't purposely fucking drop him. She, mom, and Will all blame me. Only Dad believes me, he was always there for me. I feel real bad about what I'm gonna do tonight.. But I can't live on without him any longer. I just can't..

^Later that night. 12:46 AM.^

Suicide & Self harm warning. Please read with caution. And remember, there are people who love and care for you. I promise, you are NOT alone<3. Stay safe dearest<3/p.

"I'm sorry Mom. I'm sorry Dad. I'm sorry Jade. I'm sorry Will. I love you all. Take care of Daisy for me." My final thoughts as I sat on my bed. Blood spilled from my wrists, thighs, hips, waist, stomach, and ect. "I'm so sorry. I love you all." I took the knife and shakily placed it against my throat. Taking a deep breathe. I closed my eyes. And sliced. I started rapidly bleeding from the wound, laying back on my bed. Everything blurry due to the blood loss, tears, and probably alcohol. I slightly smiled. All the notes were where they belonged, on the kitchen table. I drew my final breaths.


Thank you for reading RAHHH!!! Uhm so this is not how the story was originally gonna end but this is like a year later and I have no clue what the original idea was for the ending was... So you get extreme angst!!!!!!! >:).     Also, remember that there are people who care for you, I promise. And always remember that I am very VERY damn proud of you for making it this far in life<3. If you need to talk, vent, rant, share any personal story, go ahead in the comments<3. I reply to all those I can<33. I love you all and I'm here to listen<3. This is a judgment free area<3333. Love you<3/p

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2024 ⏰

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