Woman in Black (1)

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Natasha X Reader

CONTEXT: Set in the events after endgame - Natasha had been revived after Steve returned the stones to their places in time - A soul for a soul - after the soul stone was returned, so was Natasha, who had appeared back in place of Steve as Steve had stayed behind to be with Peggy.


You needed to get a grip, Natasha was your friend, she was your ally, part of the team. What the hell was going through your head? You had fallen for Natasha as soon as you met her, but you knew she didn't return those feelings, plus, you didn't want to ruin your friendship. You two were amazing friends, always able to spend time together, the silences you shared were never awkward, just peaceful.

Natasha sat silently on the sofa next to you, you didn't even realise she was there until her legs lightly touched yours, probably the Russian spy in her.
"Oh hey Nat" You said, smiling. You didn't think she'd be back for a few days yet. She'd been gone for a few months on a solo mission undercover. You thought about how hard that would be considering the Black Widow is kind of well known - but when you looked up at her you realised how she had done it.

Sat next to you was Natasha, but she had Blonde/Pink hair and was wearing what looked like a wedding dress.
"Hi" She chuckled as your face looked over her perfect frame.
"What in the fuck are you wearing" You buckled over with laughter.
"This is my undercover outfit, don't you like the new look?" she said sarcastically. You couldn't keep it in anymore. You lifted your phone and snapped a picture of Natasha to tease her with later. She shoved you.
"I was hoping for a better welcome home than that!" She huffed. She took the blonde/pink wig off and released her signature red hair, flowing gently around her face.

You grinned from ear to ear and nudged her shoulder "welcome back Mrs Romanoff" You blurted out.
"Mrs?" She chuckled. You both smiled at one another as she finally leaned in to give you a hug.
"Hey you" She smiled, her head rested on your shoulder. You were late to respond, shocked at the sudden display of affection towards you. You responded by wrapping your arms either side of her frame, pulling her in.
"Right" she said as she pulled away "I need to get this stupid thing off, i hate all these bright colours." You smiled and nodded, pulling your eyes away from the sight in front of you.

As she walked away, you looked up once again to watch her go. She strutted confidently towards the stairs - heading towards her room probably to get back into her signature red and black clothing. Your phone buzzed, so you picked it up

Stark: You guys seen Romanoff Yet? she seems to be cosplaying the runaway bride! LOL

You: *Sends Picture* LOOK!

Nat: Omg shut upppp! Im getting it off now guys, gimme a min and ill be down for dinner.

Wanda: Dinner will be ready in 10 everyone xx

You figured you'd venture to the kitchen to keep Wanda company, you liked watching her cook, she made it seem so easy. Ever since Westview she had been rather quiet, you knew to be careful with her, she needed a friend. Tony - bless his heart - has been trying to recreate Vision, the same Vision. He sees how Wanda is affected, and he wants to help.

"Hey Wands" You smiled at her as you walked in, the fresh smell of chilli filling your nose.
"Y/N! Hey, amazing picture of Nat by the way!" She complimented. You took a look around the room, mainly all the Avengers were here aside from Natasha and Yelena - probably catching up.
"Can we play a game?" Clint asked. Everyone mumbled in agreement.
"What do you have in mind?" Wanda asked in a skeptical tone.
"Secrets.. we all have them, why not share ONE secret each? The biggest most surprising secret wins!" Clint replied - all too fast. He's nosy, he's been wanting to do this for a long time, you could tell.

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