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TW: SMUT - FLUFF, light BDSM, gagging, teasing, 'mommy' kink, rope, handcuffs, praise kink, spanking.

SUMMARY: You and Natasha are having some quite heated Sex but it does get to a point where it's too much and you use the safe word.
Smut turned Fluff.

Occurs after TWS

(I've somehow never seen this yet so i wanted to write it, hope i can do this justice)


You had been waiting for Natasha to return to the new apartment and you didn't know when that will be as you had also just seen what she had done. All of her secrets were now everywhere and the News hadn't shut up about the infamous 'spy turned avenger'. You were worried about her, she had never spoken about her past, even to you, and now it was all over the TV.

You turned it off, not wanting to hear more about the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D, just wanting your Natasha to return home to you. You had no idea when she would return and you were scared.

Suddenly, your phone was ringing and you picked it up to hear Steve on the other end.
"Channel 106 Y/L/N, Nats making a speech about everything, thought you'd might wanna watch..." he trailed off.

You scrambled towards the remote yet again and changed the channel as Steve walked in through the living room door, ending the call as he came.
"She still not come to see you?" Steve wondered aloud as he sat down, obviously not expecting to catch you jumping for the remote like that.
"No, i'm worried Rogers..." you trailed off.

He opened his big arms for you to hug into, you needed Steve right now, you knew what he had been through over the last few months and you think that he got as much comfort from your time together as you did. It was nice to have an ally for him outside of the situation.

"Thanks Steve" you smiled at the soldier'
"Anytime Y/N, seriously, i know it's hard... i don't know why she's not come to see you, all she talked about was you when we were away..." he trailed off.
"I think she's worried that i'll break things off, that i'll see her differently. I need to tell her i don't give a shit but she's basically gone off grid until now!" You indicated to the TV.

"When Romanoff wants to go off grid, she really is undetectable." Steve nodded his agreement, settling in with his arm around you comfortingly as you watched her on the screen.

"Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?" A woman made her swear before Natasha could head towards the 'chopping block' as she liked to call it
"I do."

The first question came fast for the young assassin.
"Why haven't we heard from Captain Rogers yet?" He asked, no hesitation.

Steve squinted at the TV, curious to see if Natasha would standby their agreement, he knew she would, he trusted her.

"I don't know what there is left for him to say, i think the wreck in the middle of the potomac made his point fairly eloquently" Natasha deadpanned.

Steve chuckled slightly, causing you to giggle, only your Natasha could make such a serious issue sound so simple.

"He could explain how this whole country is expected to maintain its national security now that he and you have laid waste to our intelligence apparatus" They questioned.

"Hydra was selling you lies not intelligence-" Natasha was cut off before she could continue.
"Many of which you seem to have had a personal part in telling-" Again, another man cut in.
"Agent, you should know that there are some on this committee who feel given your service record for both this country... and against it... that you belong in a penitentiary, not mouthing off on capitol hill."

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