Average Day in the Parker Household

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Like every weekday Peter woke to the sound of his alarm wanting to cry at 6 just 4 hours after he collapsed into bed. Luckily last night's Spiderman patrol wasn't too hard no big crimes just some small petty stuff and Peter doesn't have any tests for at least another month or two. It's Monday which means he's free to do what he wants after school since none of his siblings have anything they need to do and the younger 2 will be staying at their neighbors house. This means he'll probably do what he does whenever he has free time, spend time at his boyfriend Harleys house. 

Harley has never been to peters and Peter plans to keep it that way, he's not embarrassed by his siblings or where he lives after all that makes him who he is. He's embarrassed by his dad and doesn't want Harley to worry about him at least not more than he already does. Peter loves his boyfriend but everyone knows he's very protective of his boyfriend of nearly a year even Harleys own family. No one can blame him though Peter gives the aura of needing to be protected.

In his regular morning routine Peter gets in the shower but makes sure to get in and out as quick as possible after all there are another 6 people who needed showers. Peter hadn't had time to do any laundry last night so he just grabbed the cleanest things in his drawer and if that just happened to be Harleys hoodie he's not complaining (& he knows Harley won't either.) Throwing on some jeans then grabbing his backpack and putting on some socks while walking down the stairs (more like falling) as quietly as possible to not wake his siblings. 

He starts on breakfast at 7 and starts hearing the sound of footsteps and doors slamming as the kids upstairs wake up and rush to the only bathroom upstairs before three kids come running downstairs, TJ, Bailee and Jacob meaning either Grace or Corey got the upstairs bathroom first. After making sure everyone's breakfast was on the table Peter went upstairs dodging the kids running the opposite way to get Frankie out of her cot. The two year old was sitting up waiting with her usual sleepy Parker smile when he walked into her shared room with Grace

"Morning Frankie sleep well princess!" Peter cooed as he picked her out of her cot, checked her nappy which was thankfully dry then since she had a bath last night he got her dressed and did her hair all while she babbled on about whatever she dreamt about that night and by the time he made it downstairs he was greeted by the other 5 siblings eating breakfast at the table. He put Frankie in her booster seat and placed her food in front of her then put all the kids lunches in their bags and checked Corey to make sure he's wearing a clean shirt (or as clean as he gets) then finally let himself sit down and eat breakfast as quickly as possible before stacking the dirty dishes for later and threw the clothes into the washing machine and put a chair against it to stop it opening. 

He grabs his bag and jacket and slipped his tatty shoes on as the other siblings come running down the stairs. 

"Jackets everyone its Winter come on" He tells them then hands Frankie to Grace 

"Can you take her to Kev and Vs before you leave?"

"Sure Pete" She said walking off, TJ trailing behind her

Peter like every morning walks the youngest three kids to their bus stop then taking off running so he doesn't miss his train. 

8am Peter barges into the school doors for once his train was on time and he's not only on time but 10 minutes early and all 5 of the others should also be. That's a win for the Parkers. While waiting at his locker he feels someone approaching him but relaxes when he feels the familiar arms of his boyfriend wrapped around him

"Hey Darling, look at you early for once" He teased causing Peter to roll his eyes and turn around to face Harley.

"I'm not always late" He pouted at his boyfriend who just leaned down and gave him a kiss before pulling away smirking

"Still coming over tonight?" Harley asked causing Peter to chuckle a little

"Pass up an chance to spend the night with my favourite person" Harley leaned down at that ready to kiss him again when Peter said "Harry will be there right other wise I'm stuck with you"

"You little shit" Peter chuckles at that causing Harleys smile to spread at his favourite sound 

"How's your morning been Pete" He asked 

"You know just a normal morning" Peter answered closing his locker while the bell rang for first period

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