Visit to Stark Tower

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The day went fast and without issues for Peter and before he knew it he was walking out of class after last period to find his boyfriend leaning on a wall outside his class room making Peters face light up when he approaches Harley.

"Hey darlin' you ready to go, I'm sure the old man will be excited to see you. I think he likes you more then me" Harley says grabbing Peters hand

"I'm pretty loveable" Peter teased while they walked out hand and hand

"That you are" Harley says smirking at Peter once they get outside "You look adorable in my hoodie Pete" Harley whispered leaning down to reach the youngers ear and making Peter flush red earning a chuckle from Harley who then leaned forward to kiss his boyfriend.

They are mid kiss when they hear someone clear their throat and turn to see Harry and Tony leaning on a car

"As cute as this is can you not suck your boyfriends face off in front of us" Harry asked smirking

"Seriously there are some things a dad shouldn't see and seeing his son and his intern is one of them" Tony said with a playful tone to his words despite the look of fake disgust on his face

"At least you didn't walked in on them that time Harley had Pet-" Harry started before being cut off by Harley

"Ok that's definitely not something my dad needs to hear plus poor Pete looks like a tomato" Which he was right about, Peters face was bright red

"Come on heathens lets get going before Pepper and Morgan get back" Tony said sliding into his ridiculously expensive cars drivers seat while Harry took the passenger seat (most likely to annoy Tony) while Peter and Harley took the back, sitting close together because of Morgan's car seat (not just because they wanted to cuddle, ok maybe because of that)

Despite the New York traffic they managed to get to the tower before the girls so the three teenagers disappeared into Harleys room for some privacy before Morgan got home and found out Peter was over. From the first time she met Peter he became her favourite person and while Harley pretends to be upset about it he finds it adorable and completely understands since Peters his favourite person too.

Harley and Peter took Harleys bed while Harry threw himself into Harleys bean bag. They spent about half an hour doing homework but quickly realised they weren't actually getting anything done between Peter and Harleys constant PDA and Harrys fake disgusted reactions and the random conversations Harry started about whatever his brain thought of. Homework abandoned instead the boys played a few rounds of Mario cart before Harry got too annoyed at Peters winning streak and by then Morgan had found them and dragged Peter away to go look at whatever she did at school.  

Harleys Pov;

I watched Morgs drag Pete away who went without complaint asking her questions and listening to her answers with a smile and a holy amount of patience, god he was perfect. Clearly I must of had a look on my face because when I turned back towards Harry he was smirking at me

"What?" I ask him

"He is a saint, and you are riddicously love sick" Harry said and I could feel my face burn but my smile didn't drop instead it only get bigger

"He's pretty perfect" I answer making Harry fake gag at us
We sat in silence for a while not awkward silence it was weirdly comfortable (probably the years of friendship) until he got my attention by clearing his throat and I saw a serious look on his face
"I'm happy for you Harley, he's good for you and your good for him"

"Going all mushy on me Osborn" I teased back but I let myself have a moment of seriousness when I told him "thanks Haz"
Harry just rolled his eyes with a quick don't mention it look that I know is only a facade before turning back to the video game he has started. We took turns playing for about 30 minutes before the door opened and Peter came back in and immediately walked over and threw himself into my lap with a kiss that I turned into more then a quick peck like Pete had intended
"Yea ok that's my queue to leave you two are disgusting and make me feel bad about being single" Harry teased up slinging his bag over his shoulder
"You wouldn't be so single if you grew some balls and asked out MJ like we all know you want to" Peter replied and Harry just blushed and flipped him off before leaving.
We sat on my bed for a while, Peter cuddling into my chest while still sitting on my lap when I noticed his breathing change slightly and looked down to see him asleep.
Trying my best to be careful I laid back and brought Pete down with me so he was know laying on me still fast asleep and adorably quietly snoring

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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