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Authors Note:
Hello my beauty's! So a quick little add-in. I have changed some characters. In other words they may act differently than normal. I am mainly referring to Voldemort and other Death Eaters. So bare with me and see how the story turns out! Onto the chapter!

Anah and Severus journeyed into the dimly lit room.

There were about five people that stood at the other end of the room, as they looked their way.

One being The Dark Lord himself.

They two slowly paced towards the throne that was embedded in the front of a large window that hovered behind.

Voldemort eyed the two people that stood in front of him.

First, he turned to Severus.

"Remove.. Your mask.." his hazy voice spoke.

Severus brought his wand up, waving it over his face.

The mask had vanished.

A satisfied look formed on the Dark Wizards face.

"Ah, Severus. It is you." He enunciates with his voice booming through the room.

Severus bowed before the Lord, head dangling in the process.

"My Lord," he uttered, slowly standing back up to rectify his stance.

Anah kept her eyes on Voldemort.

It has been years since she's last seen The Dark Wizard. His appearance had changed rapidly.

"Who is this.. woman.. That stands beside you?"

Voldemort spoke again throwing Anah off a bit.

Severus had a solid look on his face. He spoke.

"She is.. My wife, My Lord.." His cold monotone voice answered.

The Death Eaters that surrounded Voldemort laughed at the comment.

"I doubt that."

Voldemort held his hand up silencing them. He never took his eyes off of Anah.

"Your.. Wife?" He tested on his lips.

"Is this the woman you spoke of Lucius?" He questioned the blonde-headed man who was a few feet away from him.

"Yes.. Sire.." He responded quietly.

"Hm. Come here, my dear.." Voldemort ordered.

Anah wasn't able to look back at Severus this time.

Her feet started to move on their own as she slowly approached The Dark Lord.

His eyes wandered every part of her body. She felt it.

She stood no more than two feet away from him, curtsying in the process. Her head bowed before him, with her hair shielding her face.

"My Lord." Her tone was sweet. She tried to maintain a steady heartbeat.

She couldn't see Voldemort's face.

"Remove.. your mask.." He commanded again.

Anah brought her hands up to remove her mask slowly. Once she was done she held her head up to finally face Voldemort.

A large smirk formed on his lips.

He remembers that face.

"Anahstacia Vaneraries.." He spoke extending his hands onto the arms of the chair.

"Who would have ever thought.. A beautiful woman like yourself.. would Marry a man like Severus?.."  His eyes flashed at Severus before they returned to the woman who was bowed before him.

𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬. (𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐮𝐬 𝐒𝐧𝐚𝐩𝐞)Where stories live. Discover now