two: the auction and snazzy suits

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*chapter contains violence and death*




| voltaire |

Can one be so enraged they feel like they're going to explode?

It's a simple question with a simple answer. YES. Yes, one can be so angry, disgusted, and horrified that it feels as if they're going to implode under the pressure of those emotions. It's a raging battle between wanting to act and lash out, and wanting to calm the fuck down and fix the problem. As I sit in my internal war, surrounded by people, no one notices the battle I fight.

Not even the girl next to me. Though, to be fair, she never pays much attention to me while we're on a mission — yeah, cause she's all about laser focus. She says she doesn't worry about me when we're doing this kind of thing, but she's lying. I know it, cause, let's be real, who wouldn't worry about me? I'm simply too wonderful. They'd all miss me if something happened to my glorious ass.

Madeline and I stood on the balcony overlooking the auction. An auction that was very much illegal. We dressed for the occasion, in fancy clothes to blend in with the crowd of sick bastards who were here to spend what would probably be an absurd amount of Crusik on poor creatures that have been taken from their homes and forced into cages. The mythical animals we're about to see behind bars should be treated with respect, and love, not like this. This goes against all my morals, yet here I stand, pretending to be one of them.

Though I have to say I'm looking fucking snazzy in this suit.

The auction had just begun, the man on the podium dressed in a black suit held himself with an air of superiority, pointed chin raised and a wide, demented smile splitting his handsome face. I watched, making sure to keep my expression passive, staring at the stage intently. Beside me Madi did the same — somehow managing to look better in a suit than me — though I could hear her voice ring out through the mind link we currently shared with each other and the rest of the team.

"Quinton, are you and the others in place?" She asked our team leader, though I heard it loud and clear as well.

Magical, right?

His response was slightly delayed, causing me to glance in Madi's direction in worry for a second before he finally spoke up. Easing my concern. "Yeah, we're getting into position now. But we still need more time. You two are ready for the signal? No one suspects anything?"

"No one suspects anything, and yes, we're in position."

"We should all get cheesecake after th—" I tried to pipe in, but cut off at the stern glare Madi shot my way.

Damn, her suit makes her glare even more intimidating — how she looks better in a suit than me is truly perplexing. I love my bestie, but she's one scary as fuck wolf. I certainly wouldn't want to get on her bad side and end up with her jaws around my throat.

The first cage was brought center stage. Inside its bars was a massive jackalope, brown in colour with large antlers. Its stance was threatening, despite being the one locked in a cage. My breath hitched and fists clenched at my sides. My blood was boiling, electricity fueled by rage sparking to life as the bidding began. This is wrong! I wanted to start fighting right this second. Madeline seemed to notice my loss of control instantaneously. Her hand landed on my shoulder and her emerald eyes screamed 'don't do anything you'll regret.'

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