chapter 3

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His name is foreign on my tongue. I haven't said it out loud in so long, I don't even know if I said it right. I couldn't believe my eyes or my ears, this is the man I've been thinking about for years... he's always been at the back of my mind.

My hands are trembling as it reaches out slowly to touch his face to confirm that he's real. His face hasn't changed yet he's completely different. I should've recognized him but I also wouldn't. His steel-grey eyes are colder than I've ever seen them. There's no life in them. He's looking at me as if he's never seen me in his life, yet knows me somehow.

Though his facial features haven't changed, he looks like he's been through Hell. He looks tired and worn out yet even more handsome than I remember him. Of course, he looks older too. His physique looks stronger, definitely much more bulked than I remember.

Something about the energy around him is steady and stable yet chaotic and anarchic. I feel comfortable around him yet I want to sprint into a run, somewhere far, far away from him. I hadn't realized that I had my hand on his cheek this whole time until he grabs my hand and aggressively pulls it away.

"interestingly pathetic," he notes as he stands up, brushing off his knees.
He throws the ring back in my lap.

"Well, I did go through the trouble to bring you in to see if you were still—" he starts but doesn't finish. "Never mind."

"If I were still what?" This is the first time since this whole incident started that my tone is clear.

I stand up to meet his gaze, though he was quite taller than me. "What did you bring me here for, Alejandro?"

"Frank, I have a meeting in 30 minutes," he turns to Frank, ignoring me. "Can you ask someone to bring my car to the front?"
I grab the loose fabric on his elbow, pulling him back, "Aleja—"

That must've been the worst mistake I've made since coming here because Alejandro's reaction wasn't something I was expecting. He turns around, gripping my wrist and twisting it behind my back while simultaneously pushing me against the wall with a slam. He uses his other hand to grab my chin painfully hard, lifting it so I'll meet his gaze.

The look in his eyes was still blank. Looking at his expression, you wouldn't think he just body-slammed me into a wall. There's no anger or frustration in his eyes yet his actions are screaming bloody murder.
My wrist and jaw, both start hurting as I squirm in his grip.

"Once I don't answer, that's the end of that conversation," his tone is flat.

"Alejandro, you're hurting me," I sound pathetic, just like he said before.

"Second, you don't get to say my name so casually. You refer to me as Boss or Sir, just as everyone else does, understood?" He states as his grip on my jaw gets tighter.
I nod.

"Frank, no one comes in or out of this room unless I say so," Alejandro instructs while leaving the room.

"Yes, Boss," Frank says as he walks right behind Alejandro, closing the door after they leave. I drop to the floor, gripping my aching jaw. The tears are free-flowing like a waterfall that has no plans to stop.

"W-What was t-that?" Is all I managed to say or think.

• • •

A clock, I need a clock. I'll go insane without knowing the time. It's odd, I cried for God knows how long and my system still hasn't turned off. It's as if I still have a bunch of tears and anxiety left in me.


I need the time. I didn't realize how important it is to my mind to know the time. Every second that passes by without knowing the time is a bit of my sanity leaving my mind. I don't know if it's morning or night. I don't know if a day has passed by or just merely a few hours. I don't know.
I should be worried about the lack of food and water but I'm worried about something as simple as time. The uncertainty is enough to make anyone feel like they're going crazy. I look at the camera and assume that whoever is watching me can hear me.

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