Chapter 9

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"No underwear? No other articles of clothing to cover-up? He must've been insane to say that to me!" I gruff as I wrap a black, silk hijab around my hair. The clock strikes 6 PM.

Did he even tell me when he'll get here? I barely ate lunch because of my nerves and now I'm super hungry. I should be grateful I even get a meal, I think to myself. I was tempted to go to the hallway and check-up but I have to listen to what Frank said, don't disobey Alejandro.

If I break now, there won't be any turning back. Stand your ground, Zara. Your parents raised you to be strong, even though you can be a coward a lot of the time. I look down at my clothes nervously, he won't freak out over something as simple as clothes, would he?

"Front door open," the automated voice announces.

My heart drops, he's here. My hands instantly turn cold and my legs start shaking. I couldn't hold up my weight. This man scares me and he's yet to do anything to me that would make me want to wish I was dead.

"Shit, I didn't close my room door," I whisper to myself. Why would that matter? He'd open it anyways. A closed-door wouldn't give me any extra time. My heart is thumping against my ribcage and I was almost sure I was going to pass out. I can already smell the familiar odor of cigarettes before he even reaches my room.

"Zara, are you read—" Alejandro stops to stare at me. His eyes are glued to my figure as I shift uncomfortably. The emotions in his eyes shift over from blank to instant anger and at that moment, I knew I completely screwed up.

"Zara, my love, did I not give you clear enough instructions?" His voice is dripping with darkness.

I take a step back, "I... I'm sorry... Alejandro, I c-couldn't wear it like y-you instructed. It's completely sheer, you know I can't—"

"Oh, so it wasn't my instructions that were unclear. You chose to disobey me," he takes dangerous steps toward me.

"You have to understand—I couldn't—It's just clothes, please—"

"You have to follow my orders, otherwise, you will face consequences, as I've mentioned before. Tonight, you will be punished accordingly," His words hold no remorse, and neither do his eyes. He's set on one goal: punishing me. There's darkness surrounding him in an aura so intense that my legs almost gave out.

"You know what? Let's play a game! I'll give you a 10-second head start. If you can hide from me for more than five minutes, I'll let it go this time," a diabolical smile plays on his lips. "But if I find you, I'll punish you for your disobedience, my love."

"Alejandro, please—" I try to beg.
"One... two..." he starts counting. I have no choice, I have to play. I don't want to know what kind of punishment he has planned for me and it doesn't sound like it's anything normal. I pick up my dress and dart into a run as his voice starts becoming more distant.

"five... six..." I can barely hear his voice now.
I'm in an unfamiliar part of the house, desperately looking for a place to hide. I open every door possible but they're all open rooms with no secrecy. My heart is going to rip out of my chest, tears are desperately running down my face as my feet feel like they're being dragged because of the lack of nerves I have. I can't do it. I can't find a place. He's going to-

Without a warning, a song starts playing on the speakers of the house.

"There is someone walking behind you. Turn around, look at me." The song starts blaring through the speakers.

"W-what?" My breathy voice lets out.

"There is someone watching your footsteps. Turn around, look at me."

"My love! Where are you? I've put on my favorite song that I play when I take part in a game of cat and mouse!" Alejandro's voice is still distant but he's getting closer.
"There is someone who really needs you. Here's my heart in my hand. Turn around, look at me." The creepy tune plays out.
I can't breathe, I can't breathe, I can't breathe.

I run faster and faster but with no hope.
I rush through the hall, stumbling into a dark room. I hide behind the door, holding my breath.

"And understand this, that there is someone who'll stand beside you. Turn around baby and look at me."
I cover my ears, the song—it's slowly turning me towards insanity.

"And there's someone who'll love and guide you. Turn around, look, look at me."

"You know, you'll be punished either way. You should have known better than to defy me," his voice is much closer now. "Did you think you would receive special treatment because you're my fiancée?" He's mocking me. There's a clear taunt in his deceptively playful tone, making my blood run cold.

"Oh I've waited, but I'll wait forever. I'm gonna wait for you to come to me."
This time I hear Alejandro singing along with the lyrics. His voice deep, adding a sinister tone to the already creepy song. The handle on the door turns and I know that I lost.

"Look at someone, look at someone who really loves you. Turn around, look at me."

Please stop, please stop, please stop.

"Ooh there's someone who'll stand beside you. Turn around baby and look at me. And there's someone to love and guide you. Turn around babe, turn around and look at me."

I grab my ears tightly, feeling as if I'm about to rip them off to make the song stop.

"I've waited, but I'll wait forever. I'm gonna wait until you come back to me. Look at someone who really loves you. Turn around and look at me. Turn around, look at me. Look over your shoulder babe."

The door slowly creaks open and he peaks his head behind it.

"Found you," he says with a winning smile on his face. "You shouldn't have made me upset, my love. But I do enjoy that look of terror on your face."

"Please stop, Alejandro. Please," I'm shivering in fear, hugging my own body as tears drop down my face.

"Consequences are consequences. This will teach you a lesson not to question my instructions in the future," his hands reach his belt as he slips it off, dropping it on the ground.

I watch on in horror as aggressively rips off both the sleeves of my undershirt. My scarf is already on the floor, leaving me exposed. His hands trail down my arm, then rest on my waist. He rests his forehead on mine, a gesture that is supposed to be intimate now only bringing me an aching pain.

"Should we find out if you're wearing an underwear?" He asks as he rips off the bottom half of my dress in one swift move, leaving most of my leg bare from the knees under. I look up at him one more time with a pleading expression on my face, a hand placed gently on his cheek, "Please don't do this to me, Alejandro. Please don't hurt me."

For just a split second, I saw the old him flash across his eyes. But it was merely for a second. He pushes himself against me, giving me no chance to move. He kicks my feet, forcing my legs apart. He ignores my words, his hands slip under my dress and between my thighs before I can close them.
I feel a slight brush of his finger me through the barrier of my underwear,

"I see you decided to wear underwear, even though I asked you not to."
"S-stop!" I demanded with everything I have in me.

This only makes him push himself against me even more, making it harder for me to take breaths.

"Stop this, Alejandro!" I cry out, the disgust in my voice as clear as day. "I warned you, didn't I? I warned you that you would be punished if you couldn't comply with my rules," he says regretfully. Everything in me is slowly and painfully crushing. I can feel myself slowly disassociating from my body.

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