Chapter Fifteen: Wands At The Ready!

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Once MacNair had left by Floo, Professor Dumbledore then said to Snape, Violet and Victoria, "Now that particular matter is settled and done, you had best be going to your next Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson. Professor Snape, seeing as you are to be a part of this particular lesson, I'm sure you'll see to it that Miss Potter and Miss Maynard are escorted to their class?"

"Of course, Headmaster. The both of you are to get moving, now!" Professor Snape told them. It was just as the door opened that they all saw Devon Wolfe and Luna Lovegood waiting there. "And just what exactly are the two of you doing up here?" Professor Snape demanded to know.

"Devon wanted to find out what Violet Potter and Victoria Maynard were up to, I did try to stop him, but he was persistent---" Luna began to explain.

"On stalking me." Violet finished for Luna. "Really Devon, how many times do I have to make it clear that I want as little to do with you as humanly possible? Need I spell it out? You are an insufferable T-O-E-R-A-G!"

"And how many times do I have to apologize for whatever it is I'm supposed to have done? I'm sorry, all right? Now can we please, for the love of Merlin, move beyond what had happened in first year, which by the way, was largely your fault---"

"NO. You are allowed of course, to help Professor Sprout however you will with the Mandrake Draft, I can't stop you. But we will never be friends, Dev---" Violet began to protest hotly, but Professor Snape cut it off harshly. "Miss Potter, do you intend to continue on with this foolishness which shall result in us being held up and yet another round in detention for you, or are you going to go quietly like everyone else in your house to your next lesson? Now smarten yourself up and get with the program!"

And everyone, except for Dumbledore, Devon, and Luna also left quickly without another word. Devon and Luna, who did not have their next classes until later on that date for History of Magic (Devon), and Astronomy (Luna). And both stayed behind with the Headmaster just long enough to ask him a few questions.

"Isn't there anything at all that can be done for the little house-elf named Tiny? I would hate to imagine that poor little elf getting yeeted out of a window or getting cooked in a pie. Walden MacNair is apparently now exposed for doing that sort of thing in private---" Luna was saying to Dumbledore, right before Devon interrupted. "Luna, I think you've been reading way too much of Uncle Xeno's Quibbler, which is mostly written waffle and almost no realism, it's just
off-the-rails-on-a-crazy-train bonkers. Almost as bad as what Professor Lockhart unwittingly did to-ah-debone Harry Potter's arm." Devon then turned to Professor Dumbledore. "There really is nothing else that can be done for Tiny the House-Elf, is there Professor?"

"No, Mr. Wolfe. I am afraid, that for the time, perhaps our entire lifetimes, that the lot of house-elves shall always be that of slavery. Of course, there may also be the possibility that if enough people, led by one wizard or witch with much power, were to fight for the rights and liberties of such magical creatures, then perhaps magical history might well be made in this way, even within our lifetimes. Do not give up hope Mr. Wolfe, for this, or for an eventual change of mind or heart from Violet Potter." Professor Dumbledore answered sagely.


As Violet and Victoria both followed Professor Snape down the magical winding golden eagle stairwell and back out into the main corridor of the castle, and all the way to the double doors leading into the Duelling Hall, which was used for the wands-on side of Defence Against The Dark Arts at Hogwarts, Professor Snape stopped in front of both girls to say something before the lesson started.

"Now I still don't understand precisely what went on with that house-elf, or Walden MacNair, but if I hear of either one of you attempting to interfere with the manner any grown wizard chooses to keep any magical creatures again, I shall have you expelled from Hogwarts. I mean it, Miss Potter! You'll be joining your brother in getting thrown out and potentially even in juvenile wizard detention if I ever discover for certain he was the one stealing ingredients for Polyjuice Potion from my private storeroom, and especially if you have had anything to do with aiding him. That is your warning."

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