This can't be love

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"Harry...." I started. 

"Look. I'm so glad I'm back, and we can spend more time together." He grabs my hand and comes closer and closer to me. This is so wrong but feels so right. Wait no. I shouldn't be feeling this. I have a boyfriend! A boyfriend that I love. I'm sure that he's just messing with me. He obviously wouldn't be in love or even like someone like me! I back away and pull my hand from his. He's gotta know about my boyfriend.

"Harry. I have a boyfriend" I say. His face turns from him smiling, to him looking like he's about to cry. I have to change the subject somehow.

                                                                       Harry's POV

My heart broke. She has a boyfriend! "O-oh. You do?" I ask, obviously knowing the answer.

"Yeah. Actually he's coming tonight to join us. So when will I get to meet your friends?"

"They're coming tomorrow. And they're really excited to meet you!"

"Great! Well I guess we should go downstairs" We go downstairs and I see this guy sitting dwon.

"Jason!" Aly yells as she runs to him and hugs him.

"Hey babe!" Jason says. He kisses her passionately. I can't help but feel jelous. I love her.

"Hello, I'm Harry. And you are?"

"I'm Jason. Aly's boyfriend" He says as he glares at me. I guess he overheard me say that I love her or something. I have to have her in my life. And I will get her to want me.

Hey cupcakes:D So I know i haven't posted in like a week. Sorry! I'm always soo busy. So sorry this chapter was short, and it'll get better, I promise. Byeeee :) 


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