Friends forever?

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"Yes! Now help me set the table. They'll be here in about a half an hour" My mom said. I remember when me and harry were little, we used to go up into the tree house we built together and tell eachother secrets. I felt like I could tell him anything. One thing that he said to me, I have always remembered. Ever since the day we were little and in our tree house he promised me that if he ever got famous, he wouldn't forget me. Under any circumstances. Well that was a promise he definately couldnt keep. He thinks I'm the same old Ally that he left 8 moths ago. I've changed! I'm actually popular now. I have more  friends. And I have a boyfriend. Oh god. He's here now. I hear the doorbell ring and I walk to the door to get it. My heart is racing fast, and I feel like I can't move. Whenever I get nervous, my stomach hurts. That's whats happening now. I don't know why I should feel like this. All he is, is my ex bestfriend. That could be it. Or it could be that he's one of the most famous people in the world right now. I honestly dont know what it is, but my stomach's in a knot. I open the door and there he is. Standing right in front of me.

"Ally! Its so lovely to see you again!" Anne says and gives me a hug.

"ALLY!" Gemma yells and gives me an extremely tight hug. Gemma's been my best friend for years and I know I can trust her with anything. "GEMMA! And it's nice to see you too anne!" I say as I smile and hug them. "Hello Ally!" Joe says and hugs me. I hug back. And then there's harry. The last one.

"Hey Ally, can I talk to you?" Harrys asks me. I think I know what this is about.

"Uh yeah, sure" I say as we walk upstairs to my room. "What is it?" I ask anxiously.

"I'm so sorry Ally! Please could you ever forgive me?" He asks. He actually seems like he's upset with himself. I can't help but think that he actually means it. I mean, I know him more than anybody and when he really does feel bad, he has this certain look on his face. I can tell. And I definately can't stay mad at him. "Harry, I was mad for the past 8 months. But, I can tell you actually feel bad. I forgive you. Best friends....?"

"Forever" He finishes my sentence. I give him a huge hug. Wow, it does feel really good to have him back. "And Ally?" he asks

"Yeah Haz?" 

"I-i love you. More than a friend"

Hey Cupcakes! I'm really sorry that I havent been posting that much. I'll start posting way more I promise! I'm always so busy. And I have vacation next week so i'll post a lot more.So yeah! And HAPPY VALENTINES DAY POTATOS:D Bye for now! -Isabella

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