Mr. Grumpy and Ms. Sunshine

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Balidaan param dharma!
Balidaan param dharma!
Balidaan param dharma!

The sable clouds outlined the scaffold with it's miserable shade signifying the misery that dwelt in the place. The Battlefield, a deadly place where life and death quarrel with each other on a daily basis, a place filled with selfless people who lay thier lives at stake for thier country.

Kashmir, the cursed paradise.

"Sir jii, aap ko General sahab bula rahi hain" ( Sir! The general is calling you. "

The man turned around and signalled his subordinate to take over as his valorous foot prints laid thier traces on the soil. The air was damp with unforgiving cold, even a meadow would feel afraid to prosper,

But there was a flower that flourished in the cold. It just isn't discovered yet!

The man tightened the lace of his shoes before he entered the general's voice.

"Jai Hind Sir! " He saluted him,

"Lieutenant Sathya Prakash Yadav
Madras Battalion
Rank 10 In Indian Police Service.

What a profile you have here! It still amazes me after all these years! " The general appreciated him and the man politely smiled, keeping a hand on his chest,

" I'm putting you in an important mission, Young man..

You will be relieved off your services here and Join the Corporation of Madras as the Deputy Superintendent of Police..

I want you to monitor the place and look for any terroristic activities..

Am I clear? " He finished explaining him and handed him the papers and his joining order,

" Command accepted Sir, Jai Hind! " The elder one simply smiled at him as he took his leave.

A few months later...

The health of my patient will be my first consideration.
I will respect the secrets which are confined in me

Duty first, everything comes next uh!

Doctor Krithika, MBBS, a Surgeon with magical hands and the kindest heart one can see. A smile that even god's envy for carrying the naivety of a child in them despite being twenty eight years old, a voice of a skylark and the soul of an Aphrodite.

It had been three years since she started practicing Medicine and blood still made her uncomfortable, it made her want to convulse into a ball of cotton, it made her want to close jer eyes shut,


Blood made her weak and afraid.

Despite her knowledge that could save lives

But despite her fears, she manages to finish it with utmost professionalism and poise like she always does and came out of the operation theater,

One of the nurses came up and told her that the Dean was searching for her and she went to meet him. "Good morning, Chief! "

"Vaada kutty! " Chief Dhamodharan summoned her inside and asked her to sit.

"Kooptingla enna? "

"Ama.. Oru mukiyaamaana vela pannanum ne..

You will be joining the Madras police service and provide them with medical support..

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