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leshy x reader

inspired by @BobuxIsEpic 's Leshy x follower!reader oneshot :)

check out their book, they have really good witting skills.


The wind was harsh today.

A light blow turned into a full on hurricane.

The hurricane was roaring just as loud as the rush of crystal clear waters pouring down from the stones. The hurricane was so wild that you couldn't see your paws as you held them up to your face. The fog was the thickest it's ever been in a long, long, time.

You rushed forward and dunked under a large branch sprouting from a tree, and you pushed the leaves out of your line of sight, brushing any of the fallen foliage that got caught in your robes.

You could just barely see a familiar stone temple in the distance, you were nearly there.

You leaped over a few fallen branches or abnormally large twigs as  you made your way closer and closer to the temple.

When you arrived, you entered the temple to see dozens of followers, all dressed in robes with their hoods hanging over their heads. You decided to blend in and put your hood on as well. A tall, bushy, creature in magnificent robes pulled open a large, elegant, door.

The creature's four eyes looked around the room as if they were searching for someone or something. Eventually, they landed on you. The worm had a happy look in their eyes as they made their way to you, followers clearing the path for them.

You looked up to meet the eyes of the bush.


They pulled you into a hug, snuggling you into their abdomen.

You let out muffled laughs, and eventually pulled your face away from their robes, hood peeling off the top of your head.


Leshy pulled away from the embrace and examined you.

"You're soaking wet!" Leshy's voice was laced in concern. "Come on, you need a bath."

He tugged on your arm, guiding you to his private chambers. The room was beautiful. Moss, camellia, and vines sprouted from a few cracks in the walls, and a stained glass window was at the roof of the chamber. Without a second to waste, Leshy pulled you into an excellent bathroom.

You let out a dramatic sigh and Leshy chuckled. "Can I bathe you?" You gave him an annoyed look. "Please, please, please?"

Leshy clasped his hands together, giving you big, sparkling, puppy dog eyes. "Pretty please..?" He pleaded.

"Absolutely not." You rose to his shoulder length and raised your paw to poke at the place where his nose would be. The bush snorted and sneezed, pushing himself away from your form.

"OK.." He said in a sob tone, turning himself to face the door

He turned his head and he gave a cheeky look. "But if you ever do ask me for help, I'll be happy to oblige!" The bush said cheerfully as he shut the door behind him.

You took off your robes, carefully placing them on the countertop, you hopped into the tub, turning on the water and turning the lever until it was a pleasantly warm. You sat yourself at the far end of the tub and grabbed an unusually large bar of soap. Making sure not to let it slip out of your grip, you dragged it along your fur, staining it white.

When you were done soaping your body, you splashed water onto yourself, cleaning off the substance. You scrubbed and splashed until you were certain the soap was gone.

You pulled yourself out of the tub and shook your fur, water sprinkling everywhere. Grabbing the white towel, you brushed it along your fur until it was mostly dry.

You called for Leshy, and he entered his room, walking up to the door.

"Can you get me some clothes?"

A mumble was heard at the other side of the door and he let out a loud "Yep!". The sound of clothes rustling and the smell of fresh laundry hit your nose. Leshy knocked on the door.

He gingerly opened the door wide enough to fit his claw into the bathroom, robes in hand.

With caution, you took the cloth from the worm's claw and Leshy pulled back his claw to shut the door with a 'clunk!'. You examined the robes Leshy had handed you.

The robes looks a few sizes too big, but it was better then nothing. You slide the gold-rimmed robes around your body. The back end was practically dragging on the floor.

The large robes had a faint camellia smell, there was also a light tang of grass and lavender to the mix. Did these robes belong to the bishop himself?

You lifted a paw to the door knob and pulled the door open to look up at the four-eyed beast. Leshy let out a squeal, grabbing onto your sleeve and admiring how his robes looked on you with a happy glint in his eyes.

"Aw, you're so adorable!" He cooed, pulling you into a warm hug, claws holding you close. "I love how it looks on you!"

He released you, one of his claws vanishing under his cloak. "Want to go out for a stroll around my gardens when the rains gone?" Leshy offered, extending his other claw, hovering near you.

You took his claw into your own, and gave him a sweet smile.

"Sounds great." You shook his hand gently.

You walked over the the exit to his private chambers and looked back at him with a kind look. "I'll see you at the entrance to the gardens tomorrow at 3 p.m."

As soon as you shut the door, Leshy had this fluttery feeling in his stomach like he swallowed a swarm of butterflies all at once. He couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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