Deamon Enters the Building.

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So as you know I already spent two days in this school and I have two new friends as you know Krilisity and Kirsty as you know we're going to class when this stupid idiot comes and bumps my shoulders

" watch where you going man, and I am not your friend so don't bump your shoulders with me," gush people this day don't even know what personal bubble is.

And then I felt my whole body up against the wall

" what did you just say!?"

" God are you that death, I said don't bump your fucking shoulders on me."

" talk to me like that and you'll fucking know what  coming to yah"

" yeah and what  that flowers, and please don't speak to close toe I need my personal bubble, if y'all will excuse me I'll like to go."

" God that person needs to learn some respects who on earth was that,"

" that was the one an  only Deamon Black about the HOTTEST AND BADDES boy in the school."

" the one that has been expelled from two school, suspended from 5 schools, and no one I mean no one ever spoke to him like that except you and what you just did was great"

" well thank you, thank you," as I did that I faked that I was with audience, " Fuck you, and good night."

The twins laughed and said,

" encore, encore" and we all laughed infill we sow a teacher looking at us and shaking her head,

" Kristy, Kirsty and Krilisity detention and I don't want to see you use that language again," she said

" Mrs what language should we speak can I speak Mexico" Krilisity said  and we were trying so hard to not laugh so we played along as well

" can I speak Spanish," Kirsty said

" and can I speak French" I said

the teacher got really red ," detention tomorrow as well I didn't expect this from you girls." She said and walked off god that women.

" but why Mrs you told us to speak another language and we are,"

" so why are we getting a detention when were doing what you told us to do,"

" detention the day after that." and with that she walked away.

" god that was hilarious man you should have seen her face,"

" yeah but we have detention today and we were going to go shopping then to my house to fix what clothes we wear tomorrow," I said

" we can still do that after school but not the shopping bit any way we gotta sigh up on the talent show." krilisity said.

"well lets not waste our time we got things to do and a class to go to and a boy to work with," Kirsty said

" hugh don't remind me of that, any way l like to go there so it can end quickly," i said.

" or you just want to see Mr hottie," Kirsty said

" well keep that to your self cause why would someone like me o out with someone like him," i said and went to sit on my space

please say he ain't here today speaking of the the devil,how lucky am i.

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