Hamilsquad X Reader Summer Days

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 ~Modern Day AU~

    "We became polyamorous without ever really trying, and we let each other go so often; I guess we finally realized . It's hard to break something that bends."— Nico Tortorella to in March 2018

~This is my first hamilton fanfiction and my first polyamorous fanfiction so sorry if it's not the best i've never really been the best writer but i really enjoy it so i hope you atleast like reading it.~

~Also sorry if the french for Lafayette is bad i dont know any french so i may have used google translate ~


~Readers Pov~

              I woke up felling well rested and in good mood i felt a pair of arms around me i quickly realized it was john we were usually the last two up . Hamilton was usually already up since he dosent sleep much and spends a lot of his nights working . Lafayette was usually the next one up he would always be the one to start on breakfast since he was the best at cooking with hercules coming right after him he would also put a pot of coffee on for everyone . Hercules would be the next up Then you and john usually at the same time . 

         You guys the day before had planed a beach day today since you guys all had the day off work which usually never happened. You rolled over in john's arms ready to wake him up with a devious plan "Wake up sleeping beauty its beach day" - you said as you tickled him awake . "Ahhh okay okay i'm up hahah im up stop" you then stopped after a few more "Race ya to breakfast " "your on"  . "*chuckles* sounds like john and y/n are up" - H just then you two came bounding into the kitchen . " *chuckles* good morning mes amours your breakfast is served with a side of café" Laf said while setting the food and drinks Infront of you both then kissing both of your cheeks (The face cheeks get ya mind out of the gutter or was that just me ) . "Has alex already eaten" -y "Yes i have i appreciate the concern" . 

               You and john finish eating your breakfast while chatting amongst all of you ."Well since were all done with breakfast should we start heading out"-y ."I HAVENT PACKED!!!" "*chuckle*  mon Amour were aware ". "Which is why i took care of it we just have to change before cause they might not have changing rooms" -y . *Time skip*

              "BEACH TIME!!!!" - J *the rest chuckle at his cuteness* . "Piggy back ride" You say as you jump on to hercs back he laughs and starts taking off towards the water with you laughing on his back . The others laugh following suit with john trying to jump on to lafs back and falling then darting off then the other two following suit . Alex and Herc start setting up the beach sitting area for you guys while you , john and laf are already goofing off in the water . The other two then join you three and a splash fight breaks out with much laughs . You suddenly feel a big pair of arms lift you up its hurc and you know exactly what's gonna happen next you suddenly get chucked into a deep part with the wave . You come back up and laugh while saying " I am so gonna get you back for that " He chuckles . 

             You and John end up in the sand attempting to build a sand castle it takes multiple attempts . Herc managed to build a impressively huge amazing sandcastle in less takes . You take this opportunity to get him back for the water thing earlier and smash it . He simply laughs and both sand castles end up getting smashed . Meanwhile laf and alex were attempting one two but never actually were successful and they laughed it off . You all then ended up going to a nice small lunch place on the beach for lunch . Lets say that was the most soundest sleep you guys ever got that night and the most sleep alext probably got in forever. 

                     And that day was probably the one of the best day of any of your lifes.

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