I wake up to a dripping sound, perhaps it's my imagination but it's as if the water is repeatedly whispering into my ear"Wake-up Wake-up" I open my eyes, I'm wearing a beautiful silk dress, but for some odd reason I find it tattered and damp. I suppose it's damp because of where I have been lying. I appear to be in a dark cellar, although I can't be sure, as I sit up I notice some red marks on the wall. Being as curiously stupid as I am, I walk up to the wall and smell it-hoping I don't find it to be blood, I wrinkle my nose...it is blood. It's smeared all over the wall, I start to breath very heavily. I keep asking myself what could have happened here...then I realize I don't know. I don't know where I am-how I got here-why I am in this beautiful and torn dress-but the most terrifying thing of all is I don't know my own name. I start pacing back and forth attempting to calm myself, but I'm failing miserably.

As I pace I notice something on the ground, close to where I woke up, the cellar is too dark to see much, so I walk closer. As I slowly approach I discover what is saw was a hand, I keep walking then I can see everything but the head of the woman. She is also wearing a beautiful and elegant dress. A broad smile slowly spreads my face I can feel that spark of hope, as strong as a fire I am not alone, but as soon as it is lit, the flame has died. I can see her face now, there is a huge bloody gash on her head. She doesn't look like she is breathing. I kneel down beside her and check for a heart beat. Nothing. I can feel tears streaming down my face as if they are a river, I am oblivious towards why I would be crying for this girl. Maybe I knew her and my heart doesn't know to react but my body does, maybe it's just the shock, whatever the reason is I know there is no time to think about it. I need help.

Authors note:Yes yes I know this was short but this was just an introduction, I would just like to tell you guys this is a mystery Thriller book, and that may I not be updating very often for a few months because of personal matters...and exams. But I hope you guys keep reading, this idea has been in my mind a while and really need to get it out. plus when there are surprises please comment if you think I revealed it well...and don't be afraid to give me some constructive criticism! It will help me to improve on my writing skills! :)
Ps. if anyone is confused I'm using Roman numerals to number the chapters...don't worry it's not some random "I"

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