Train Rescue Disaster

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At Adventure City...

Train Engineer: Ok, time to fill up the gas container.

*The container fills up with flameable gas*

Train Engineer: Next stop, Adventure Bay.

*Train leaves for Adventure Bay*

At Adventure Bay...

Mayor Goodway: (Looks at the train tracks) Oh gosh, this is a mess! The track is broken and a huge gas container is on its way.

Train Engineer: (Sees the broken track) Oh gosh, I must stop. (Pulls the brakes) Urgh, it's not working. Ahhhhhhhhhh!

*The Train Engineer jumps off the train into a lake which isn't deep*

Train Engineer: I need the Paw Patrol.

At the Lookout...

Ryder: Paw Patrol, what's your emergency?

Train Engineer: Help! My train isn't stopping and there is a flameable gas container on it, if it blows the tunnel will burst.

Ryder: We're on our way Mr. Engineer.

*Ryder and the pups rushes to the train with their high tech gear*

*Ryder and the pups rushes to the train with their high tech gear*

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Ryder: Ok pups, let's roll. Skye, check if there is anyone else on the train.

Skye: I'm on it Ryder.

Skye I'm right over the train, I'm going in. Ruff! Autopilot on!

*Skye jumps on top of the train and her copter flies away*

*Train bumps*

Skye: Whoaa, that was close, Ryder there's no one in the train.

Ryder: Ok Skye, fly down.

*The gas container overheats and blows*

Chase: (Gasp) Skye!!!!

Skye: Ruff! Wings! (Pup-pack voice: Alert! Alert! Wings offline) Oh no. (Coughs) Ryder help!

Ryder: Oh no. Skye's in danger, Chase it's all yours, save Skye.

Chase: I won't give up on anything Ryder, Chase is on the case!

*Chase drives his new car on the train tracks to save Skye*

Chase: Don't worry Skye, I'm coming!

*Train parts fall and hit Chase's car*

Chase: Whoa, that's too dangerous but I won't let Skye down. Arf! Shield!

Chase: Hmmm, I need a way to launch me into the train, but how?.....A ramp, perfect!

*Chase launches into the train to save Skye*

Chase: Skye? Skye where are you?

Skye: Chase, over here. (Coughs and suddenly faints)

*Chase carries Skye on his back and gets into his Police car*

Ryder: Good job Chase!

Chase: Ryder, she's not waking up.

*Ryder picks up the unconscious Skye*

Ryder: Let's get her to the hospital, quick!

5 hours later...

After a crazy rescue, all the pups were at the Lookout, waiting for Ryder to pick Skye up from the hospital.

Marshall: Chase, you okay?

Chase: I'm fine Marshall, thanks.

Marshall: You're not fine, your ears are down.

Chase: (Sigh) Okay, I was really worried that Skye didn't make it out of that rescue alive.

Marshall: She did make it out alive, you did carry her out of the train so she wouldn't burn to a crisp.

Chase: Yeah, I did do that.

*Ryder arrives back at the Lookout with Skye in his arms*

Ryder: Hey pups, look who's back.

All the pups happily: Skye!

*Ryder puts Skye down*

Skye: Boy, am I glad to be back with the rest of my friends.

*All the pups tackle Skye and constantly lick her in the face*

Skye: (Giggling)

Ryder: They're such good pups.

The End.

Paw Patrol Movie: Train Rescue DisasterWhere stories live. Discover now