3. Doğa 🍃

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She didn't want to lock herself in.

After making a call to her mom (who had a lot to say about her immaturity and irresponsibility), Doğa studied the guy who was standing outside, hood pulled up to protect himself from the rain. He was tall enough to make her feel miniscule in comparison and he didn't have the warmest appeal, but she suddenly realized that she didn't feel apprehensive about him like she did about those two guys from earlier. She opened the door.

"Thank you, I called my mom. You don't have to wait outside- it's freezing."

He frowned. "If you're okay-"

"Totally," she said. "You can get in."

He climbed in, bringing the frigid night air with him. Doğa shivered. Glancing at her, he turned up the heater dial and in a moment, the interior of the car turned positively toasty.

"So," he turned to her. "Is your mom convinced that I'm not going to murder you?"

Doğa managed a faint smile. "I'm more worried if she will murder me once I get home."

He laughed and it immediately transformed his grim look to something way more pleasant.

"Okay, then," he said. "Give me your address and I'll drop you home."

For a moment, they rode in comfortable silence. Doğa glanced at him.

"So what's your major?"

"Marketing," he said, eyes still focused on the road. "You?"

"Dentistry," she replied. "Is there-"

Her sudden sneeze sounded like a bomb exploding inside the silent car. Doğa wished the earth would open up and swallow her inside. Oh God, how embarrassing....

"Pardon," she said. "I think I'm going to catch a cold..."

Fatih smiled. "You need something hot. My mom has a famous recipe for colds and fevers but for now coffee will do, I guess."

"Oh no, don't bother," Doğa said, quickly. "It's late anyway. I don't want to be a trouble any longer."

"What trouble?" He said. "It's just coffee."

"Ufff..." She said. "Okay, then. But it's my treat."

"No way," he protested.

"My treat," she said more firmly. "Consider this a small payback."

He looked amused as he pulled into a drive thru of a small, nearby cafe.

"Then you owe me more than one coffee, I guess," he said handing her a steaming cup of coffee. "I mean, I did save you from those guys..."

Doğa put her credit card back in her purse and took a scalding sip of coffee, shivering as the caffeine hit her. "Then maybe I'll treat you to dinner someday."

He gave her a considering look. "If I didn't know better, I'd think you were asking me out..."

She nearly spat her coffee back out. "What? No! I.. I didn't mean it like that!"

He laughed. "Relax. I'm just teasing you."

She took another sip to hide her burning cheeks. The guy was definitely charming in a scruffy sort of way and she suddenly had the uncanniest urge to know more about him.

"So, " she turned to him. "What are you going to do after graduation?"

He flashed those dark, dark eyes at her. "I'm going to help my father with his business. It was time anyway," he glanced at her. "What made you choose dentistry?"

Doğa shrugged. "I was curious? I wanted to be a veterinarian but their scholarship program isn't good. The next best choice was dentistry."

He smiled. "Scholarship, huh? That means you're a genius, then..."

"No more than anyone else, Fatih," she looked up, noticing him staring at her. "What?"

He shook his head, looking bemused. "Nothing. I just like the way you said my name".

Doğa cleared her throat. It was definitely getting hot inside the car.

"Erm.. shall we go then?" She asked. "Let's not make my mother even more angry..."

He crumpled up the empty coffee cup. "Of course"

It was way past 01.00 am when they reached Doğa's apartment building. Even from the outside, she could see the shadow of Kivilçim pacing the living room a wine glass in her hand. She expelled a distressed breath.

Fatih looked up.

"Is that your mother?"

"Yeah," she grimaced. "Do you want to come in for a bit? My mother will want to thank you herself."

His eyes gleamed. "And of course, this has nothing to do with the fact that you want to get away from your mother's wrath..."

Doğa feigned innocence. "No! Why would you think that?"

"Maybe another time, çanim," he said. "I do think you need a good lecture on being careful. I have a sister, I know how it is."

She puffed out a breath. "Okay, then," she looked at him. "Thank you, for dropping me off. Really. I don't know what I would do if you didn't come. Thank you,"

He bowed his head. "Riça ederim. Let me know how it goes with your mom."

"But I don't have your number,"

"Give me yours and I'll send you a text,"

She got off and waved to him. When she reached the elevator, she could swear that Fatih was staring after her....

Doğa shook her head, trying to wipe a goofy smile off her face.

After all, she had to face up to Kivilçim's wrath now...

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