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Arjun's POV

"How many do you own?" I heard her curious baritone resounding in the chamber, while I began dusting a Rudra veena with a cloth. It seemed like I was coming here after ages, though I did ponder about doing so but I couldn't. 

The room located in the topmost part of the Hastinapur palace, though was dusted everyday, seemed lifeless as soon as we entered. And I am glad that I could finally make up my mind to drag myself up here again.

"Just two, this and the Saraswati veena." I directed her towards behind me where another veena was kept stacked, covered with a royal cloth, "There is one more, which Bhrata Bheem owns." I softly chuckled.

"Arya Bheem plays as well?" 

"No, not that much. He once got curious about it once, so we have one for him as well. Though he loves music, he won't admit," I mentally smiled just the thought of how his eyes light up exceptionally every time he hears me or someone play any instrument. Though there are many rare stuffs he tries to abstract, but this is surely one of them.

"Just don't tell him okay? Or else he is going to skin me alive," I pursed lips to hide a smile, and peeked at the Panchal Princess. Prevention is better than cure.

"He loves you too much to do that," she quipped with a half smile and I raised eyebrows at her amusedly.

"And that's the reason he will skin me alive." I earned a soft giggle from her side, as I glanced down to continue with my job. I delicately wiped each and every nook and corner, specially the carvings and the holes which were laden with a line of thick dust. 

Finally in all its glory. 

The resonators shone like it was supposed to as the flickering illumination of the earthen lamps fell on it. I slightly ticked the strings on the fingerboard to check whether the strings produced the appropriate melody, while I could perceive the beguiling blue-flame sitting with folded knees and fingers intertwined, keenly gauging.

"That string," she concluded, making me nod as it wasn't taught as required. I ducked my head slightly, curving my eyebrows to have a clear view of the joints and the knobs while the piquant aroma of blue-lotus continued to invade my nostrils.

Locating the problematic part, I stretched it appropriately and vibrated it for a confirmation while the whiffs of wind decided that it was the just the freaking perfect time to  tousle my curls. 

I shouldn't have sat near the window. Sucking in a deep breath while joining my teeth, I ran my fingers through the strands to put them back to place and brushed my fingers once or twice while settling the veena with the other. 

All the while I was busy, I couldn't help but feel the pair of warm eyes settled upon my figure, without blinking. Yes and I can confirm without even looking up for once. It scrutinized me deeply, I could actually feel the intensity making my stomach do a tiny flip. 

I finally managed to work through it, now being confident of that fact that she would break the gaze when I will look up but dang; I dashed my ambers towards her face and raised my eyebrows gradually.

She was still staring; no gaping with a palm rested on her cheek and a smooth smile on her luscious and soft lips which only intensified her dimples. I pressed my lips together, blinking once, hoping that she would dissolve the stare because for goodness sake it dared to make my heart pump blood faster in my body. 

I lowered my chin glancing at her enliveningly, elevating eyebrows and shifted my lip up to a corner. She still didn't budge but just had her eyes epoxied on my face, and I just couldn't help but let out a silent titter and give a shake to my head.

That appeared to have caught her; she gasped softly, growing self conscious as she frantically tried to smoothen her dress as if nothing happened. Hue dashed on her dark cheeks, as she started to spread her saree over her knees.

"Why are you giving me that?" I questioned with a smirk, wiping my palms with a clean cloth.

"Gi-giving you what?" she cleared her throat gingerly, embarrassed.

"Giving me heart eyes, Draupadi?" I spoke after a while, placing my hands on both sides of me and leaning a bit forward. That did certainly catch her off guard and I enjoyed every bit of it.

"Wh-wha-No!" she scrunched up her forehead in denial, her finger reaching up to her blue black strand of locks while she pushed it behind the ear, "Is it ready?" 

"It is, just you decide whether you are ready or not," I shrugged, catching her flustered again. She shot me a look, her eyes kind off pleading to have pity on her. 

Celebrate Paarth. I chuckled to myself.

I instructed her carefully on how to handle the strings as a beginner, with the markings done on the edges of the finger board making it easier for me to explain. She nodded, crossing her eyebrows and rubbing her chin occasionally. 

Finishing a display of a basic note, I asked her to follow. I held the upper part of the finger board and began to play the strings for her convenience, while she started ticking the lower ones, a bit apprehensively.

"Come on, you're doing good. Don't be nervous." I mumbled and gave her a chilled look. Her eyes crawled up towards me while she played, "I am not. Just performance pressure issues." she slightly defended herself.

"Performance pressure? In front of me? You have got to be kidding me," I tried to hide a chuckle, "Do I look like I am going to judge you Panchali?"

"No but still," she let out a breath, "You're like, the best. Best. And believe me you always have performance pressure in front of the best." she almost blurted out, looking around.

"I can only be better. There's nothing like the best." I gave her a light smile, amused that she considers me that highly. I guess she hasn't seen those maestros playing, I am a miniscule in front of them.

"You are too humble to be true." her tone suddenly changed, though not explicit but it was enough for me to understand she felt relieved. 

"But it is what it is," I slightly shrugged. 

"Learn to take compliments, okay?" she gave me a straight face, drumming her finger on her knee.

"So did your Highness just compliment me?" I inched forward again with a look, expecting her to be flustered again.

 But she leaned forward, meeting my eyes and gave a vague half smile resembling mine, "Think that if it pleases you." And I just couldn't help but let out a chuckle.



Guys, it really becomes difficult to flaunt Arjun's beauty in his first person *sulks*.😒😒😒

So Arjun lovers just get the portion where he is supposed to look sizzling hot, okay? *bares teeth sheepishly*😁😁😁😁

Tell me whether you loved the OS or not :)

Signing off for today!

~Kiritija Nushkie 

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