Chapter 15 : Happy Breakfast!

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Next day morning:

Rocky comes to the dining hall for breakfast, expecting to see Reena who would be daily waiting there talking to the maids or Chaacha or Vaanaram.

But, he gets surprised when he didn't see her there today, and goes near to the table and sits on his chair.

He starts looking around to find her and hears vaanaram saying "Searching for someone?" And turns to him who had a playful smile on his face and Rocky glares at him making him silent.

Chaacha laughs seeing it and Fathima ma says "She said she's not hungry and doesn't want to have breakfast." To which Rocky gets confused and then he remembers their last night conversation.

He thinks "Did I upset her that much?...Is that why she's not having anything..?" And Chaacha shooks him bringing him out of his thoughts and Rocky looks at him.

Chaacha says "I don't know what happened but I'm sure you've done with it now." Making Rocky sigh and he looks at Fathima ma.

Fathima ma understands his look and serves breakfast for her in a plate and hands it over to him. Rocky takes the plate and goes towards her room hoping to convince her.

Rocky knocks the door of her room and Reena who is sitting on her bed senses Rocky and immediately sleeps on the bed acting to be asleep. Hearing no reply, Rocky enters the room to see her sleeping on the bed with eyes closed.

Rocky says "I know you're awake.." surprising Reena, but she casually gets up and sits on the bed, resting her back on the headboard mumbling to herself " know everything..except the things that are needed!".

Rocky sees her mumbling and asks "Can you speak in an audible voice so that I can hear it?" Making Reena look at him and she says "Doesn't matter even if you better leave it.".

Rocky sighs realizing she was really upset and tries to come to the actual topic and says "Fathima ma told that you said no for breakfast."

Reena looks aside and says "I told her reason for it too." To which Rocky says "well,I didn't feel that as actual one."

Reena looks at him asking "what do you mean?" and Rocky decides to have a talk directly and asks "Are you upset?" Making Reena angry that he understood that now.

Reena says with a mock smile "No...I'm happy...actually very happy...and that happiness is filled inside me which is why I'm not feeling hungry." While Rocky innerly smirks at her sarcasm but doesn't show it.

Rocky casually asks her "May I know the reason for that much happiness?" Making Reena more angry that he was still making fun of her. Reena says "It's because we've become good FRIENDS right...I'm happy that I got a FRIEND like you...and I'm glad that even you're happy for getting me as a FRIEND."

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