Chapter 24 : His Kill Lady!

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Fathima ma comes rushing and says "Reena beti is not in her room." Making everyone shocked and tensed while Rocky has the same poker face since the last night.

Rocky looks at Farmaan who was at a distance and immediately comes near Rocky while he says something to him, to which he nods and leaves and everyone stare at Rocky confused about what he was doing.

CBI Headquarters Delhi:

Reena is sitting, holding her forehead while Vikram, Raghavan and Ramesh are staring at her with shocked faces.

Vikram says breaking the silence "So he knew everything about you from the start and we didn't even get a doubt?" And Reena looks at him and says " we thought we were so smart to cheat him and all...but turns out he has kept a completely unknown world from us.."

Raghavan asks her "So..what now?" And Reena says "There's nothing I can do now sir...he locked me completely..both personally and professionally!".

Vikram asks "Wait...personally I get it...but professionally?" And Reena turns to him saying "He made my dad transfer his properties on my name...which includes KGF shares too.." and Vikram stares at her still not getting the actual point.

Raghavan continues "That's an illegal source of income...and having them on her name makes her a person with an illegal and criminal background...which means.." he pauses seeing Reena's face which showed zero emotion.

Vikram understands what it meant and says looking at Reena "You're not allowed to work for CBI anymore.." and Reena nods looking at him while Vikram sighs saying "Smart move man!"

Reena glares at him while he asks "But what if you're not officially allowed? could still help CBI if you want right?" While Reena scoffs saying "And you think he didn't get this doubt?.." they stare at her while she continues.

"That's why I said he locked me...the properties are on my name for more than a month and at the same time, I was involved with CBI too...which is enough to say that I was involved in illegal activities while I'm working with CBI...and that is a double if CBI takes an action, the first person who gets arrested..would be me."

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