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The drive has been going on for 3 hours , Juliet fell asleep, she woke up, seeing Leo next to her 'God, he looks so adorable' Juliet thought off, she shaked her head 'What did I just think of?' Juliet thought to herself again "Hey Parker, how many hours left?" Juliet said in a tried voice "We've been driving for three hours, so I guess three" Parker said, Juliet leaned her head back. After like 30 minutes, Alex woke up "What time is it?" Alex said as he was rubbing his eyes and yawning "3:30am" Juliet said in a very tired voice "Is there gonna be breakfast?" Alex asked, Juliet at him with an 'honestly?' look "Maybe when Leo and Hayley wake up" Juliet said as she went to the back row to talk to Alex "L.A huh? Crazy, have you been there?" Alex asked, Juliet looked at the floor and tucked her hair "No, this is my first time" Juliet said, Alex smiled and grabbed her knee "Hey, trust me, it'll be fun" Alex said, Juliet smiled

After an hour, Hayley and Leo woke up yawning, Hayley had messy hair "What time is it?" Hayley asked with a tired voice "4am" Juliet said, Leo was rubbing his eyes "How did you get there?" Leo asked "I went here when I woke up" Juliet said. Just before they were gonna reach L.A Juliet said "Stop!" Parker parked the car "What's up?" Parker asked "Do we get what to do?" Juliet asked, everyone nodded, Parker went to L.A "L.A is beautiful" Juliet said as she looked into Alex's eyes, Alex looked into hers and Alex gave a small smile, meanwhile Leo was giving a inlove look at Juliet.

Juliet was too excited to see L.A, she went out of the van first, she looked everywhere smiling "Come on guys get out!" Juliet said as she grabbed Hayley's hands and helped her out, she helped Leo and Alex out too "L.A is just beautifulllll" Juliet said "We're not here for a vacation, Ju" Hayley said, Juliet's smiled dropped as she took a deep breath, she heard her phone ringing "Hello?" Juliet asked "It's mom, where are you? How's the case going" Noah asked "Oh, um, completely fine, our clues led to L.A , so we're currently in L.A" Juliet said, Noah smiled "No way! Have fun, make sure to still have fun" Noah said, Juliet giggled "Yeah, sure! Bye mom love you" Juliet said as she made kissing sound "Love you hunny mwah" Noah said as she hang up the phone.

"We're in L.A, how are we gonna look for him?" Parker asked "Look everywhere" Juliet said, the crew started investigating, Juliet saw something with the cactuses "GUYS, I FOUND SOMETHING!" Juliet shouted, everyone ran up to her and squatted "Its another letter" Juliet said 'Rueyo iongd eatgr. Het xetn stdetoniai si lluf for srtas - Omm & Leiajh' it said "That says you're" Hayley said "Doing" Juliet said, they were solving it after a minute later they finally made it, they solved it "You're doing great. The next destination is full of stars - Mom & Elijah" Leo said, Juliet looked at Leo after "Oh, I know this, umm, what is it?" Juliet said as she was snapping her fingers "HOLLYWOOD WALK OF FAME!" Hayley shouted, the four hushed her.

The five walked to Hollywood boulevard, as they arrived they were look for something, they saw a letter again 'Ruoye losmta ereth, Teiluj! Go to het May Damas Tars' it said, Leo pointed at the 'Teiluj' "That's your name" Leo blurted out, Alex looked at them '"It is" Juliet said "It says 'You're almost there, Juliet! Go to the Amy Adams star'" Hayley solved quickly, Juliet looked at her and raised her eyebrows "Let's go!" Juliet said as they started walking, it was another letter 'Go check in at the samesun hollywood hotel, under the name of Julietta Grey' It said, Juliet sighed "Thank god we didn't have to solve it, Parker!" Juliet said, as Parker came back with his van "Where are we of to now?" Parker asked "Samesun hotel please" Juliet said.

After like 30 minutes later, the five arrived at the hotel "Parker you're coming, you deserve this" Juliet said, Parker smiled as he went down from his van "Hi, room under the name of Julietta Grey" Juliet said "Ah, perfect, you are in room number 430" The receptionist said as she gave us the card, the five of us walked into the room "Let's see what's the clue here, I wonder how he knows there's 5 people, meh" Juliet said as she shrugged "Hey it's another letter" Alex said as he grabbed the envelope 'At 7:30 pm, you will find your official last clue, please don't be home. Have a vacation!' It said,  Juliet sighed with a smile "We can go on vacationnnnn" Juliet said, Hayley put her head into her hand "Don't have too much fun" Hayley said as she wrapped her arm around Juliet's neck, Juliet looked back "Let's go guys!" Juliet said with a smile.

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