Chapter Eighteen

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Meredith’s P.O.V
It was the next day and I continued to sit with Cedric and nothing had changed since the night before and after some time had passed, I heard someone walk up to me before speaking up, “Dumbledore wants everyone in the Great Hall.” Hermione said and I took a moment before standing up and gently kissing Cedric’s head before walking past Hermione as I left the, “how are you doing?” she asked me, “like hell. What else? The only person I care about is in a coma before whatever happened in that bloody maze.” I said to her before the both of us ended up in the Great Hall along with the rest of the school along with students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons and once everyone was seated, I sat next to Harry and Hermione before Dumbledore had spoken up, “today, we acknowledge what happened to Cedric Diggory during the TriWizard Tournament. We all know he’s a caring, Hardworking, talented and a Brave young man who, unfortunately, ended up in a Coma by none other than Lord Voldemort himself. The Ministry of Magic does not wish me to tell you this but not to do so, I think, would be an insult to his memory. Now the pain we all feel at this dreadful moment reminds me, reminds us, that while we may come from different places and speak in different tongues our hearts beat as one. In light of recent events the bonds of friendship we made this year will be more important than ever. Remember that and Cedric Diggory would not have risked his life in vain. You remember that and we’ll celebrate a boy kind and honest and brave and true right to the very end. But now, all we can wish for is his recovery.” Dumbledore said to everyone before he dismissed everyone from the Great Hall before I walked around to clear my head about everything that had happened as I also just wanted to be alone for the time being 

After a while had passed, I was going to go and see how Cedric was doing before I noticed Harry walking alone and went over to him to see how he was doing, “are you doing alright?” I asked him and he nodded, “I’m sorry about Cedric. I know the both of you had gotten rather close recently.” he said to me, “it’s not your fault for what happened in the Maze and I know Cedric would say the same thing. Just be glad he’s still alive and not buried six feet in the ground.” I told him, “I suppose you’re right. To be honest, I’m glad he’s not dead because I don’t know what I would do if he was.” he said to me, “you’re not the only one.” I said to him before Hermione and Ron appeared before us, “do you think we’ll ever have a quiet year at Hogwarts” Ron asked us, “no” Harry and Hermione said at the same time, “doubt it” I said to him, “no, didn’t think so. Oh well, what’s life without a few dragons?” Ron said to us and just as we took a few steps away, we noticed Hermione wasn’t following as we looked to see she was still standing there, “everything’s going to change now isn’t it?” she asked us, “big time.” I said to her before Harry walked over to her, “yes” was all he said to her, “promise you’ll write this summer. All three of you.” she said to us, “I promise but I have no doubt that Ron will sleep through most of it.” I said to her and we chuckled a little, “she’s right, I won’t. You know I won’t.” Ron said to her, “Harry will too, won’t you.” she said as she looked at Harry, “yeah, every week.” he said to her, “that sounded convincing.” I said to him and we laughed a little before we made it to a small balcony and looked over the land as we watched the two schools as they left. After being outside for a while and watching the students of Durmstrang and Beauxbatons leave and make their way home, everyone eventually went back inside and I went to the Astronomy Tower for a while to be alone before hearing footsteps and saw that it was Hermione, “I would ask how you’re feeling but I thought about how you might answer that already.” she told me as she sat down next to me, “I would have given you the same answer as before.” I told her and the both of us chuckled a little, “I really am sorry about what happened to Cedric. Especially when the both of you have just gotten together.” she said to me and I sighed a little, “thanks. I’m just glad that whatever spell Voldemort used didn’t end up killing him in the end though.” I told her and I sighed a little, “I should go and see how he’s doing.” I told her and the both of us got up and left the Astronomy Tower, “do you need me to be there?” she asked me, “please, if you don’t mind.” I said to her and the both of us ended up getting to the Hospital Wing to see that Cedric’s parents were there, “sorry, we can come back if you guys want to be alone with him.” I said to them, “oh no, it’s fine dear.” Mrs. Diggory said to me as I eventually sat with them as the three of us talked and Mrs. Diggory had told me some stories of when Cedirc was younger before they had to leave after talking with Madam Pomfrey.

After spending time in the Hospital Wing, Amos and his wife had already left after talking with Madam Pomfrey about the arrangements with St. Mungo's Hospital and eventually, both Hermione and I left the Hospital Wing and made our way to the Great Hall for dinner and by the time we had gotten there, the both of us sat down with Harry and Ron along with the rest of Gryffindor House before Dumbledore eventually began the feast as everyone started eating dinner as well all talked with one another until dinner was over and everyone left and made our back to our Common Rooms for the night and by the time I made it to the Common Room, I went to my dorm and started packing my things for tomorrow before I just sat on the bed and thought to myself for a while before getting changed out of my robes and into something a little more comfortable before heading back down to the Common Room for a while and hung out with Harry, Ron and Hermione for a while before it got late and the four of us had gone to bed for the night and when the next day came around, everyone was getting ready to head home for the Summer Holiday and as I made sure that I had everything I needed, both Hermione and I left our Dorm Room and left the Common Room with Harry and Ron as the four of us talked with each other as we eventually got on the train and we sat with each other the entire train ride back to London and I looked out of the window for a while before I heard Harry calling my name, “what is it?” I asked him, “there was something else I’ve been meaning to tell you as well.” he told me and I furrowed my brows a little, “your father was the one that managed to bring Voldemort back. I think he had prepared a potion to do so.” he told me and I felt angry as I had someone other than Voldemort to blame for what had happened to Cedric, “thanks for telling me.” I said to him before I continued to look out of the window throughout the rest of the ride back to London.

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