Chapter Thirty Three

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Meredith’s P.O.V
After we left the Three Broomsticks, I had said goodbye to Cedric and once we did, the both of us shared a kiss before I left with Harry, Ron and Hermione and as we were making our way back, we heard leanne scream before we watched what happened to Katie as she was lifted into the air before falling to the ground and I went over to her to see if she was alright, “Katie, Katie are you alright?” I asked her but she said nothing, “she’s knocked out cold.” I said as I saw Hagrid walking up to her, “I’ve got her.” he said and I got out of the way, “do not touch that except for the wrappings, do you understand?” Hagrid said to Harry as he checked it out before we managed to make it back to the Castle and eventually found Professor McGonagall, “are you sure Kati did not have this in her possession when she entered the Three Broomsticks?” Professor McGonagall asked Leanne, “it’s like I said, she left to go to the Loo and when she came back she had the package. She said it was important that she deliver it.” Leanne told her, “did she say to whom?” Professor McGonagall asked, “to Professor Dumbledore.” Leanne told her, “very well, thank you Leanne you may go.” Professor McGonagall said before Leanne left the room before Professor McGonagall looked at us, “why is it when something happens it is always you Four?” she asked us, “believe me Professor, I’ve been asking myself the same question for six years” Ron told her, “so have I to be honest.” I mentioned to them, “oh, Severus. Thank goodness you’re here” Professor McGonagall said before we noticed Professor Snape walk up to the Necklace as he started taking a look at the Necklace as the animals in the room started freaking out, “what do you think?” Professor McGonagall asked, “I think Miss. Bell is lucky to be alive.” Professor Snape told her, “she was cursed wasn’t she? I know Katie, off the Quidditch Pitch she wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Harry told them, “he’s right, she’s one of the nicest people I’ve met” I told them, “but if she was delivering that to Professor Dumbledore, she wasn’t doing it knowingly.” Harry mentioned to them, “yes, she was cursed.” Professor McGonagall mentioned, “it was Malfoy.” Harry said and we all looked at him, “that is a very serious accusation, Potter.” Professor McGonagall said to him, “indeed. Your evidence?” Snape asked him, “I just know.” Harry said to him, “you just know? Once again you astonish me with your gifts, Potter, Gifts mere mortals can only dream of possessing. How grand it must be to be the Chosen One.” Snape said to him, “I suggest you go back to your dormitories.” Professor McGonganall said to us before we did what she said and eventually left the room and once we were far enough away, I spoke up to Harry, “you’re never going to let this go are you?” I asked him, “I know it was him.” Harry said to us, “with what evidence Harry. If you tell the entire school along with the rest of the Wizarding World, it would be just like when you told everyone about Voldemort coming back. No one’s going to believe you and I know I won’t be the only one telling you this. Even if it is him, there’s no doubt he has or had a choice in doing so.” I told him, “you’re defending him” he said to me, “I’m not defending him I’m only stating the facts” I told him before we continued to make our way back to the Common Room. 

By the time we made it to the Common Room, I went straight to my dorm and sat on the bed and thought about earlier before I decided to write to Uncle Remus and Cedric about what had happened earlier today and once I was done, I gave the letters to Smokey and let him fly out of the window before hearing someone walk in and looked to see that it was Hermione, “hey, how are you doing?” she asked me and I sighed a little, “just a little freaked out about earlier. Harry was right though, I doubt she was doing it knowingly.” I told her as she sat down with me, “I just hope Katie is going to be alright.” she told me and I nodded, “I hope so too. Although I do understand what Harry is getting at but at the same time, although I’m not trying to defend anyone, what if Malfoy didn’t have a say in whatever is going on. Although I could be wrong about it.” I told her, “I know what you’re getting at. To be honest, I don’t know what to think about it all. I’d rather see it to believe it though.” she told me and I nodded, “I see your point. I guess we’ll wait and find out if it’s true or not.” I told her as I let out a sigh and continued talking about Katie for a while before we went on with our days. The day of Slughorn’s dinner party had arrived and both Hermione and I had made it there along with Harry as we all ate and talked before Professor Slughorn started getting to know everyone, “so tell me Cormack, do you see anything of your Uncle Tiberius these days?” Professor Slughorn asked him, “yes sir, in fact I’m meant to go hunting with him and the Minister of Magic over the Holidays.” Cormack told him, “oh, well be sure to give them both my best.” Slughorn told him, “what about your Uncle Bellbee? For those of you who don’t know, Marcus’s Uncle invented the Wolfsbane Potion. Is he working on anything new?” Slughorn said, “I don't know, him and my dad don't get along. Probably because my dad says his Potions are rubbish. His only potion worth having is the stiff one at the end of the day.” Marcus told him, “what about your Miss. Granger, what exactly does your family do in the Muggle World?” Slughorn asked her, “my parents are dentists. They attended to people’s teeth.” she told him, “fascinating. And is that considered a dangerous profession?” Slughorn asked her, “no, although one boy, Robbie Fenwick did bite my father once. He needed ten stitches.” Hermione told him and the entire room went silent for a moment before seeing Ginny walk into the room, “ah, Miss. Weasley, come in.” Slughorn said to her, “look at her eyes. They’ve been fighting again, her and Dean” Hermione whispered to Harry and I, “sorry, I’m not usually late.” Ginny told Slughorn before Harry stood up, “no matter. Just in time for dessert, that is if Bellbee’s left you any.” Slughorn said to her before laughing as the rest of us continued eating until the dinner party was over and everyone had left the room, “do you want me to stay?” I asked Harry as I noticed him standing, “no, it’s fine. I’ll let you know if I need any help” he told me, “alright then.” I told him before I left the room and made my way back to the Common Room.

By the time I made it back to the Common Room for the night and I sat with Hermione on the couch along with Ron, “I noticed this on your bed with your Owl.” she told me when she handed me a letter from Uncle Remus, “it’s from Uncle Remus.” I told her as I began to open it and as soon as I did and unfolded the parchment, I began to read the letter.

Dear Meredith,

I’m sorry to hear about what happened to Miss. Bell and I hope that she recovers soon but about Malfoy, I do not know what to tell you but I’m sure there’s some explanation to it but other than that, there’s only so much I can tell you but what I can say is that Cedric has gotten your letter as well and wants me to tell you that he also wishes for Miss. Bell’s recovery and that he misses you and hopes to see you again soon, I’ve also invited him to stay with us over the Holidays if that’s alright with you. I’d thought you would want him to be around for a while over the Holidays. Other than that, I hope you are doing well and see you soon.


Uncle Remus

After reading the letter, I folded it back up and sighed a little, “what did it say?” Hermione asked me, “I told him about what happened to Katie and what Harry said about Malfoy but he said there wasn’t much to say about it except that he wishes for her to recover.” I told her, “well, I’m sure he will try and figure it out along with the rest of them. I’m sure Harry might have mentioned what we saw over the summer as well.” she told me, “possibly. I just hope they find something about what’s going on.” I told her and we continued talking before I decided to stay in the Common Room for a while before seeing Harry walk into the room, “how did it go with Slughorn?” I asked him wondering, “he didn’t tell me what I was hoping him to tell me” he told me as he sat down next to me, “well, I’m sure we’ll get something out of him I just hope it’s sooner rather than later to be honest.” I told him and the both of us continued talking about it as I told him what I heard from Uncle Remus before he told me about how he wrote to Mr. Weasley about what they saw over the summer and after talking for a while, the both of us had gone to our dorms for the rest of the night and after I got changed and got into bed, I soon fell asleep thinking about Cedric.

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