For AlyBooBear15

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You sat down at the edge of the bed, fiddling with your fingers. You didn't know what to feel at the moment. Everything was coming straight at you, with mixed signals. It all started a few days back. Levi came back to the hotel from a show (they are on tour with the vamps) and acted...strange. You didn't know what the matter with him was, and you didn't ask, knowing he needed some time to himself. But' then the next day came, and he was sweet to you, giving you full on attention. And this cycle repeated, every day. But, this time, you wanted to know the truth.
You were waiting for him to come back upstairs into your guys shared hotel room. It was only a matter of time before you would hear the door open and close. You got up and went to them bathroom, fixing your messy bun before hearing the door do the expected. You sighed one more time, before walking out and confronting your 7 month boyfriend.
You watched as he put his backpack down, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge and plopping down onto the bed, going on to a social media account of his, but it really didn't matter much to you which account it was, hence the fact you were supposed to be pissed at him.
"Levi?" you said. You tried to sound stern but that wasn't you, so you just sounded...unusual.
There was a moment of silence before he put his phone down to see you, glaring at him. There were bags under his eyes, his eyes didn't seem as bright and happy as they usually did, and there was no smile on his perfect face.
"What's going on..with us?" You asked him, crossing your arms a bit so he understood your anger.
"I don't know Aly, you tell me what's going on here.." He said, looking at you with his jaw clenched, not with anger, but with sadness, trying to hold back his tears. It pained you. Right then and there. For starters he called you by your full name and not his nickname for you, A, and his eyes were filling up with tears. Your heartbroke.
"Levi thats the thing I-I don't know..what going on Levi," you said getting closer to the bed, "What's wro-"
"Don't." He said putting his hand up, indicating you to stop. "Don't get closer right now, don't pity me, don't try to make me feel better when you can't right now."
Your jaw dropped a bit as you watched him get off the bed and walked into the bathroom. you felt a tear escape your eye. What did you do? Did you do something to put him like this? What was it?
You walked around the bed to where the bathroom was and you knocked on the door before hearing Levi sniffle.
"Tell me whats going on Levi.."
He laughed a bit before answering, the pain that struck his voice made more tears fall, because you knew that that pain he had in him right now, was all because of you.
"Your funny Aly, acting like you don't know what your fans are doing.."
"That's because I don't, Levi Jones tell me RIGHT now what my fans have done to you.."
You knew this was somehow your fault. If you never became big on vine you would never have these fans, and you would have never seen him hurt, which would be better right now, but you knew if you never had these fans, you would have never met him.
"They hate me you know, there is a certain amount of hate in this world that people can take, like, a certain level for each person, but, they have broke that level.."
There was silence before he opened the door. His eyes were red and there were tears still streaming down his face.
"They want me dead you know...they told me to kill myself cause I was nothing to you, they said you would be better off without my faggot ass. Maybe they were right. They made some pretty believable points. Saying how you're using me and you don't need me, and with the proof they gave me, I can see why.."
You felt hurt, but also broken. He thought you didn't care and that hurt you much more than you thought it would.
"Don't say that Levi, you're very important to me, they are just trying to break us apart."
You grabbed his hands but he just pulled away, walking to his suitcases ad packing them up.
"We can't do this anymore. You don't care, stop trying to convince yourself you do, when there is clearly no evidence you you do, I don't even see why you try.." He said. You scoffed as you watched him zip up the suitcase and start walking to the door.
"You know why I care, you know why I try Levi? Because I BLOODY LOVE YOU! I. LOVE. YOU."
You watched him stop dead in his tracks and turn around to face you. He had no more tears, but his eyes were still read and his mouth was open a bit in shock. That was the first time any of you had said I love you.
'I love you Levi Jones. And I get you don't want me to bu-" You were interrupted by his lips slamming against yours, calm enough to sooth.
"Say it again Aly, I didn't quite hear you the first time.." He said. You smirked a bit, looking at him straight in the eyes as you realize you have admitted what you feel.
"I love you...."
He smiled a bit. "I love you to Aly."
Your smile disappeared as you pulled him into a hug, pulling his body close to yours. "Please don't leave me.."
"I won't I'm sorry, I-I'm just in a tough place right now."
"It's okay.." You said, looking back up at him.
"We can do this, we just have to count on each other, I'll give you all of me, and you give me all of you.." you said.
"Pinky promise?" You said, holding out your pinky.
He laughed a bit at first and then spoke, "Pinky promise."

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