For xoellabellaxo

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You were currently on the tides tour bus. You shifted your weight slightly on the couch as you rested your head in Levi's lap. You smiled, watching him play fifa against Drew on the large TV screen mounted to the wall.

Drew leaned over shoving Levi's hand trying to distract him and then laughing.
"Piss off Drew, that's cheating." Levi said, giving Drew a look of annoyance.
"You're going to lose anyway" Drew said still laughing.
"Yeah, if you keep CHEATING!" Levi exclaimed.
You chuckled, amused at how seriously they took this game. You felt the bus coming to a halt and Levi instinctively wrapped an arm around your torso, tightening his grip to ensure you didn't fall off of the seat. Even though you barely moved, he liked to make sure there was no chance of you getting hurt. You heard the tour bus door open and then close. The bus then started off again.
"Ella" You heard a voice call, and you turned your head slightly to see Austin taking a seat near your feet and Nate sitting next to him.
"What are you doing here?" Austin smiled.
"Hey Austin" You said, sitting up to give him a hug. "Oh, uhh Levi and Drew snuck me in."
There was a strict rule of 'No girlfriends on the tour bus'. Levi and Drew had managed to sneak you on the bus before security did their checks.

Levi had convinced you to hide in his bunk when they got onto the bus until security had left.
"Oh" Austin replied and you felt Levi tug on your shirt, gesturing for you to lie down again. You leaned back, resting your head against his legs. At this point the score was 3-1 to Drew and Levi was becoming frustrated.
"That's so unfair ! I had that. It's the controller." Levi said, after missing a shot at goal.
"You're just annoyed because you're losing in front of your girlfriend." Drew said, rolling his eyes and chuckling.
"Shut up." Levi said.
"I'll bet even she could beat you at this game." Drew said and you looked over to him.
"You know I can beat all of you. Are you challenging me?"
Drew's eyes widened, obviously remembering the last time you had beaten him at fifa. "You know I'm just kiddin' Ella. Plus, I reckon I could take you this time." He said

You all but snatched the controller from Levi, scoring within five minutes of playing. You were on a roll.
"Boys help me out here!" Drew exclaimed as you sat up, focusing a little more.
You saw a cheeky smile creep onto Levi's face as he and the boys began tickling you, pinching at your waist and legs, allowing Drew to score.
"No fair !" You said through fits of laughter.
You saw Levi laughing at your attempts to push him away.
"Stop it!" You exclaimed. You were all laughing. Austin quickly grabbed the controller, flinging it just out of your reach.
"Okay, Okay! You win!" You screamed, begging for them to stop tickling you.
You were all still laughing as you felt the bus stop for a second time, Levi once again grabbing you protectively to make sure you don't fall. Drew looked out of the window.
"It's Waddy (I think that's his name, please tell me if I'm wrong)." He said, alarm written on his face.
"Bunk. Now." Levi said and you rushed over, climbing into his bunk and throwing the curtain shut.

You heard Waddy climbing onto the bus and checking in with the boys. You heard a noise coming form the bunk below you and then saw a hand grasp the curtains. You held your breath, trying not to let them hear you.
"Hey Le-" A farmiliar face pulled the curtain open. You were relieved to see it was Nate.
"Oh, hey Ella, sorry" He said. He had obivously just woken up.
"Oh hey, it's alright, I wasn't sleeping."
"Drew and Levi sneak you in again?"
You nodded with a smile. You heard footsteps coming closer and saw Levi walking over.
"Waddy's gone." He said gesturng for you to move over.
"I'll leave you two alone." Nate said with a wink.
Levi climbed into the bunk behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You could hear Austin say "Where's Levi?" and Nate replied but you couldn't make out what he was saying. You heard Levi chuckle softly behind you. He counted down from three and as soon as he hit one you heard calls of "oooooohhhhh" and wolf whistles coming from the other boys.
Levi smiled and kissed your neck. "Idiots."

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