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Hey, guys, I know I haven't updated this fic in at least four months, and I haven't updated SNAC in maybe three; I can't even begin how to explain my apology from here.

I'm sorry. I really am, but life's a bitch and I needed a break from distractions, 'cause apparently I need to redo grade nine, and I'm off to boarding school (which I am super exited about) so bear with me while I take a small hiatus on my two Phanfics. It's about time I admit it's a hiatus and not just a procrastinated update. And yes, I will hopefully be able to update this by the end of school (a month and a half away).

So. I present to you a new story. This won't make up for the lack of updates on the others, I know, and I greatly apologize for my absence; but hopefully it'll lessen the blow for some of you.

The pairing will be Frerard, it will be upsetting and disturbing in certain areas, and those of you who are sensitive to serious mental disorders such as severe OCD, panic disorders, and schizophrenia. PLEASE DO NOT READ IF THIS BOTHERS YOU. THAMK YOU.
It's called "But my Love is Schizophrenic" and I hope you enjoy it~

Also, side note, it's in Frank's POV (might alter it to Gerard's occasionally, but if so, I'll mention it).
If anyone has questions, don't be afraid to ask; whether it's about real life, any of my stories, blah blah blah, anything!

I will now exit gracefully. -slips and lands on face-

Audiosu, minna ~

Lots of Love,
- xxHSxx

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2015 ⏰

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