Does it count if the Officiate is drunker then you?

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Ruby awoke to sunlight streaming into her eyes. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She felt something metal on it. She moved her hand away from her face to get a look at it.

She saw it was a wedding band. It startled her and she looked around. There was a Malachite sister on both sides of her and Yang was sprawled across a couch nearby. She scratched her head and thought back to last night.

It was all kind of blurry but she understood it well enough. It had all started when her sister had arrived at her apartment. Yang had dragged her out to a bar to celebrate her 23rd birthday.

There she and Yang drank and meet Malachite twins. The dark haired sisters entranced Ruby to the point she asked them to marry her. The twins, as drunk as her, had agreed. Ruby's blonde sisters cheer and declared slurred that she would officiate the wedding.

It had surprisingly easy to get the rings, paperwork, and to find a church open, but they were not allowed inside by the priests. So they went to cemetery next to it, as insisted upon by Yang it was holy ground and would therefore bring good luck.

Yang started off the ceremony by asking Malachite twins if they liked Ruby. Ruby pointed out it was the wrong question, or at least she thought she did. Yang ignored her and pronounced them all married and told the three women to kiss.

Then Yang fell asleep on cemetery ground while. The three women signed the paperwork making them legally married. Then they picked up Yang and wobbled there way to a hotel nearby and got a room.

Ruby slapped herself in the face as her memories ended. She got herself out of the bed and found the paperwork and went through it. It was surprisingly in order. Ruby sighed and looked over at her sister. She wondered does it count if the Officiate is drunker then you?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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Ruby Liked it so She Put a Ring on itWhere stories live. Discover now