Chapter 8

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•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I cuddled up with String Gummy 

"Warm.." I heard him mutter

I chuckled softly

"You heard nothing" String Gummy said

"Mmhmm" I hummed

•·.·Strawberry Crepe's POV·.·•

I was doing stuff in my lab when I felt that something was off

'Ughh why am I even feeling like this.. This is so weird'

I sighed

"I'm fine.. Everything's fine. Nothing bad is going to happen" I muttered

I continued building the wafflebot I was working on

Then I noticed the room was filling up with gas

I coughed a bit, then I blacked out

•·.·String Gummy's POV·.·•

"Now, promise me you'll sleep tonight" I smiled

"Do I have to?" Espresso sighed 



I pat them on the head

Then I realized something

"How the actual fuck did Croissant know we got together??" I questioned

I called Croissant and asked her

"Oh, me and Latte are dating" She said (yippee i actually made it canon)

"Huh? Isn't she dating Kumiho?" Espresso asked

"We're in a poly relationship"


Croissant giggled

"Anyways I should get going" She said

Then she hung up

I put my phone back on the nightstand

"I wonder if Crepe is alright. They've been quiet" I muttered (...uhh.. well)

"They're probably busy. They do build stuff in their lab" Espresso shrugged

"Yeah, maybe"

'Hopefully that's the case.. I have a bad feeling about this'

"I am surprised Madeleine hasn't come to check on me" Espresso said

Right when they said that, there was a knock on the door

"Go fucking figure" They muttered

Then they got up and went to the door

They came back and sighed

"It was indeed Madeleine" They said

"He asked if I got enough sleep" They continued

"Did you?" I asked

"No, but I lied to his annoying ass"

"Not surprised"

Espresso went back into bed and continued to cuddle with me

•·.·Strawberry Crepe's POV·.·•

When I woke up, I was tied to a chair

My eyes widened when I realized where I was

"Nice to see you again" Pomegranate smirked

"What do you want from me?" I demanded

"I think you know"

"No, I really don't"

Pomegranate scoffed

"YOU are going to continue to build wafflebots here. You will also be used for leverage" She said

"What do you mean by leverage?" I asked

"Espresso would do ANYTHING for you. It's pretty obvious. Surely they'd do anything Dark Enchantress says if it means you stay safe"

I glared at her

"I'm sure String Gummy would to" Pomegranate shrugged

"What do you want from him?" I asked

"Jeez. Stop interrogating me. After this, NO MORE QUESTIONS. Anyways, he works for the tbd. Do you understand how much power he has?"

I was about to say something else when Pomegranate used a spell to stop me from being able to speak (did i even word that right-)

"You'll be seeing Espresso in a bit" She said

Then she left

I sighed

•·.·Espresso's POV·.·•

I was cuddling with String Gummy when I got a gut feeling

I hugged String Gummy a bit tighter

"Are you alright?" He asked

"Mhm" I hummed


'Why did I even hug him tighter- What good would that even do??'

Then gas started filling the room

"Why is there gas??" String Gummy asked

"Uh oh" I muttered

Then I blacked out


480 Words

a/n *giggles evily*

(DISCONTINUED) My Starlight (espresso x string gummy)Where stories live. Discover now