7 Goodbye

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It was around 10 PM when I decided to go outside, and look around. I heard a scratching sound near one of the  berry bushes in our yard, so me being me I push back the leaves and berries and came face to face with a fox. Which I immediately jumped forward and grabbed. The fox tried to squirm away from me but I held on a bit tighter.
Upon enter back in the house I kept myself quiter to keep from waking anyone up and avoid trouble. I sighed when entering my room flicking the light on shuting the door then putting the fox on the ground, and the fox immediately ran to the far side of the room to jump on the back of one of my chairs to make it fall over.
I went over, and grabbed the little rascal.
"No," I told him sternly. In response to my no it looked a little sad before sprinting to my closet, and I guess doing whatever feral foxes do in closets.
I decided I trust the little guy to do whatever he is doing since I needed to go to the kitchen and get food him and I. Checking the fridge i saw some strawberries that were good enough i guess. So i washed them and carefully entered my room to see him on my bed which left me only a little bothered but not by much. So I held the strawberries in front of little guy who was cautious at first, then chowed down on all of it. I chuckled slightly.
"I think we have some kind of connection, what do you think?" I asked the fox. Who to my surprise looked up stared for a few moments and nodded. My mind went several hours per mile in that moment. Before smiling. "I'm glad we can agree," I said lightly, before realizing two things. One I need to name him, two I need to bathe him. The naming part is easy the bathing part not so much. "ok I need to name you, so I'll name you... Hachiko how does that sound?" I told the fox. Who nodded eagerly. Which I was again suprised at. Then I grabbed him and took to the bathroom of course checking the time. 10:45 P.M I widen my eyes a little really it's been that long geeze.
I opened the door, and turned on the bathroom lights before shutting behind me. I put Hachiko on the ground before making my way to the tub and plugging the drain to keep the water in it. When running pure hot water first then cold. Hachiko attempted to drink it which pulled him back and said no. Since I don't know a lot about dogs and foxes I just used dog shampoo for Hachiko since I think human shampoo would be worse for him than dog shampoo. After the bath I dired Hachiko, and brought him back to my room, which I left to go to the living room to grab my Nintendo Switch to play a game while Hachiko explored my room for a bit. I heard my grandmother go crazy near the end of the hallway which left one thing she saw Hachiko. My instant reaction was to hide she waddled into the living room and went passed me so I took my chance and slipped by to my room. Hachiko was in the middle of the room. I sat there pondering on what to do. Then I heard one of cousins door open and heard to sets of feet wonder out. They probably want to find out what was going on. Then I heard my uncle call my name I told Hachiko stay in my room.
"Al sweetie I need you to grab a plastic bag and the fox please," he told open my leaving the room.
"Why the plastic bag?" I asked.
"To improve your fox," he responded slowly.
When entering my room I grabbed a plastic bag and made a plan that as soon as I was near the door I would open and put Hachiko on the ground to run away from the house. I decided on the plan since I knew they were going to kill Hachiko, and I made sure to tell Hachiko the plan. I sighed went over it one more time before grabbing him and the bag then left my room. I saw my cousins eyes widen upon there eyes landing at Hachiko in my arms.
When reaching the door my hand lightly touched the door knob before hearing the gun shot. I stumbled a little dropping Hachiko and the plastic bag. The left side of my back is warmer. Blood fell from the corner of my mouth. I heard sniffling and crying. I clumsily turned to my uncle tears falling from his eyes. I loosely hugged him.
"I love you, goodbye."
I then let darkness consume me.

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