"Chapter Four"

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Warning: smut will be mentioned but not seen in this chapter. Viewer discretion is advised

He leads me to one of the manors he uses for "vacation," purposes.

"Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine..."

I'll be honest: I feel nervous. I never felt nervous for anything like this. Although I've done this with many men in the past but never did had one night stands. It's already been two days in this town and I'm about to leave. I did quite enjoy this town but I cannot retire... not just yet. I still need answers.


I shook my head.

"I'm sorry... it's just—"

"I understand. You're still shaken up by that nasty criminal."

Nope. Not even close. He leads me to the bedroom and had wrapped me in a blanket.

Remember Clare, you only sleep with the man you love and want to marry and lose your virginity with.

No, I can't be in love with him. Clara Sawyer the wanted outlaw, gunslinger does not fall in love.

"Are you in need of anything?"

I took a deep breath.

"Can I be honest?"

"Of course,"

Although I can't tell him the truth fully... he has to hear and find everything else on his own. It's hard to tell him especially if he's in love with my facade I am putting up.

"I'm surprised you'd choose me over Ruby..." I admit.

Although it's not something I want to say but this'll do.

"You're so unique, Nancy. You're not spoiled, you're tough and badass and you don't let anyone walk over you." He continued on.

I weakly laughed.

"Yeah, she and I had a confrontation while I was at the general store earlier."

"What? What did she do?"

"Basically try to tell me to back off and that you're hers when I wasn't going to back down because one town's bitch isn't going to ruin my morning."

He laughs.

"If only I was there to see you be badass again."

I didn't speak again. I pulled out my pocket watch I stolen from a woman when I started off as outlaw. I should be working but Wyatt had convinced Mr. Ashbel and Sally I need time off. That and with what Cooper said, I don't think I can be in this town any longer.


"Yes, Nancy?"

Screw it I'll be cryptic.

"Everyone will know the truth, including you. And it'll effect the judgement and opinions for my past."

Wyatt listened but looked confused.

"What are you trying to say?"

"...it's nothing, just something I heard from a Native American fortune teller." I shook my head.

He slowly nods. I got up.

"Mind if I use the lady's room?"

He nods.

"Thanks." I said as I went the bathroom that was in the bedroom he took me in. I looked into the mirror. For the first time in years: I'm looking at my reflection. I had taken deep breaths. I can do this. Plus while I'm in here, I could just write what I need to say and leave it to him when he sleeps after we hook up. But first off, I need to wash my face.

I used the sink and used the cold water to wash my face to calm myself. After washing my face, I looked into the mirror. But then again, it would be suspicious if I do it now. Unless... I had opened the door slightly.

"Wyatt? Can you lend me some clothes and some paper and pencil? I forgot my journal that's at the saloon."

I lied. It's in my satchel in my inn room.

"Of course, coming!"

Here goes nothing...


I had finished writing the letter to him though I have to use the final touch until after he's asleep. He gave me clothes that would fit... but I needed something that would get him in the mood. But I can't be too picky... until I got an idea of using what I have on. I had approached the bed and lay down.


"Oh I hope it's not a problem." I said, pretending to be Nancy still.

He watched in awe.

"No... it's just... whoa." He said as his jaw dropped.

So far good. I laughed some before he just continued to eye me up and down, hungry for me now.

"I know I'm going to sound annoying to ask but—"

"You don't even have to ask, you just can~" I said using a seductive voice.

He bites his lower lip.

"Then may I?" He asked as I nodded as he pulled closer and we began to kiss and the plan has begun.

Later that same night.

I woke up in the middle of the night my head resting to his chest and seeing the clothes all over the floor. I had carefully got out of the bed and put on my other dress and leave the letter on the nightstand with my wanted posted in front of the letter. I tiptoed and grabbed everything. I need to go back to the inn and get the rest of my items as well.

But before I make my departure, I had to look at Wyatt one last time. I...

I shook my head. The plan has been done. Now I have to leave and not come back... not until that Cooper hangs in the gallows and the law enforcement gave up trying to find me. I took a deep breath before I left the manor make my escape and get onto Anna Belle, leaving within the night.

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