"Chapter Five"

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I woke up, smiling for a moment as I had the best night of my life.


I didn't see Nancy in my bed. I looked around, looking for her until I saw something on the nightstand. I grabbed them and the first thing I see is:


Clara Sawyer
"Slick Bandit"

Wanted for bank robbery, arson, murder

Reward $5,000

I see Nancy— I mean Clara on a wanted poster. Nancy... Nancy was—

I saw a letter that was also behind the poster.

Dear Wyatt,

By the time you've seen this. I've had left hours ago. And I know this is a lot to take in. But I've chosen this road and I have no regret nor I haven't looked back on this path. What you've met is the woman that everyone wanted me to be. The so called "Nancy," you fell for. The only thing that wasn't part of my "character," was defending the saloon's bartender's daughter.

Everything I did here meant nothing. It was just me trying to be "normal," until I strike again. And although I planned for it to be a week, but I know Cooper would've try to take me down with him. That's why I faked last night. Everything up until last night was a lie. My name, my story, my feelings.... Everything was fake.

You were the mouse that lost the game to a cat. And that's what made the game fun is for fools like you to think you think I'm the damsel in distress and fall for everything I say. It's hilarious really. Anyways, you've been hoodwinked by the most famous outlaw in all of America. Have a nice life, Wyatt Albright.

Clara "Slick Bandit" Sawyer

I read through every detail including her insulting me in the end. Then what she said... that cryptic message.

"Everyone will know the truth, including you. And it'll effect the judgement and opinions for my past."

That makes sense. The truth was she was the Slick Bandit that is wanted across every state. But I know she's denying it. I saw the way she acted. Especially last night. I know I can't give up. Not until I prove it to her that she's lying to herself and to me.

...If I can find her that is.


I had set up camp in a forest that's definitely secluded and I can't be found by wandering bounty hunters or pinkertons. Mary Belle had lay on a pile of grass close by while I sat in my tent. I had looked at the map. Although I'm not no Cartographer and only go by my knowledge. I haven't used a compass in quite some time. Only I go where it's convenient and where the road leads.

But since if I do want to mark that town as my next robbery, I had to get one so I can try to remember. I tapped the compass. It's pointing north west. My stomach loudly grumbled and I went to Mary Belle to grab my bow and arrows.

I normally don't use bow and arrow unless if it's for hunting purposes but I haven't stayed in camps as often. Only found an inn or a hotel for me to stay in and order food from the hotels/inns, or the saloons.

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