ooga chaka

393 4 2

V1 says:
The F1tnessGram™ Pacer Test 1s a mult1stage aerobic capac1ty test that pr0gressively gets m0re d1fficult as 1t cont1nues. The 2o meter pacer test w1ll beg1n in 3o sec0nds. L1ne up at the start. The runn1ng speed starts sl0wly, but gets faster each m1nute after you hear th1s s1gnal. [beep] A s1ngle lap should be c0mpleted each t1me you hear th1s sound. [ding] Remember to run 1n a stra1ght l1ne, and run as l0ng as poss1ble. The sec0nd t1me ypu fai1 to c0mplete a lap bef0re the sound, y0ur test 1s over. The test w1ll begin 0n the w0rd start. 0n your mark, get ready, start.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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